April 16th, 2010LISWire
Library technology company adds new customers, employees, and grows product offerings
Norcross, Ga. – April 13, 2010. ITG (Integrated Technology Group) ended the first quarter of 2010 showing continued growth in all sectors, with significant increases in new customers and installations, as well as filling key internal positions in support and marketing.
New Customer Highlights
- Milwaukee Public Library: Full RFID implementation in Innovative ILS environment is to be completed by end of year 2010, including XpressCheck™ patron self-service stations, security gates and sorting systems for 12 branches and a large central library.
- Longview (TX) Public Library: ITG’s first full RFID implementation with Polaris ILS environment in Texas went live in March, 2010.
- Plano (TX) Public Library System: Each of the 5 branches of this library system, also a Polaris ILS user, will have a full complement of ITG RFID products, including 5-bin sorters.
- Pikes Peak (CO) Library District: 14 branch library system, sold in partnership with SirsiDynix, is tagging its collection aggressively with the goal to go live system-wide with ITG RFID by June, 2010.
- Monroe County (MI) Library System: Despite the state’s weak economy, ITG continues to be strong in Michigan, recently signing a contract for ITG RFID with this 16-branch system using Innovative.
- Rangeview (CO) Library District/Anythink™: After a successful test run in an existing branch, this Horizon system is expanding its DiscXpress II™ (DX2) secure automated AV disk delivery capabilities with the purchase of a 3000 disk capacity DX2 system (with XpressCheck patron self-service station) for its new Wright Farms branch.
- Avon Lake (OH) Public Library: ITG provided this SirsiDynix library with a unique hybrid bar code/RFID XpressCheck system that allows self-checkout of books using bar codes and secured AV items using RFID together with ITG’s AVXpress™ security case unlocking system.
- Lisle (IL) Library District and the Dunedin (FL) Public Library joined ITG’s family of Ellipse electromagnetic EM security system users as ITG continues to gain market share for its EM technology products. These include hybrid EM/RFID security gates, desensitizing/resensitizing staff stations and XpressCheck patron self service.
- Parker (AZ) Public Library and Wimberley (TX) Village Library, both using Follett, implemented ALPS (Automated Library Patron Services) public computer and print management software because of the unique functionality it offers Follett users, including SQL patron authentication.
Staff Additions and Changes
Robyn Connelly assumed the newly created position of dedicated ITG Webmaster/Lead Developer to direct and develop the company’s online initiatives. ITG’s marketing team is now lead by Paula Zucker, who joined the company at the beginning of the year.ITG continued to grow its support team with the addition of Jason Woitena to the Norcross, Georgia home office. Support team veteran Chris Long relocated to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to provide on-site support to ITG’s growing list of Midwest customers.
Product Highlights
ITG reached agreement with Intelletto Technologies, Inc. (Canada) to become its exclusive US reseller of the RFID library staff station Smart Reader. This plug-and-play product (no software installation required), together with ITG’s patented DirectReader™, allows libraries to harness the power of RFID within their native circulation modules regardless of which ILS is used.ITG released version 3.0 of its ALPS Public Computer and Print Management software. A host of new features adds valuable versatility to the system that ITG makes available to libraries on an annual subscription basis (no purchase required).
On the Road and in the Air:
In March, ITG President and co-author of “Radio Frequency Identification Handbook for Librarians” Shai Robkin was the featured panelist in a Library Journal webinar focused on “The Power and the Pitfalls of RFID.” Co-sponsored by ITG, Robkin joined fellow panelists Sloan Sakamoto, Manager of Automated Services for the Long Beach (California) Public Library and Gia Wilhelm, IT Director of Maryland’s Harford County Public Library. The event moderator was Margaret Hazel, Virtual Branch and Innovative Tech Manager of the Eugene Public Library in Oregon. Over 300 registrants watched the discussion live; hundreds more have since viewed an archived version of the program.ITG finished its strong first quarter exhibiting at the Public Library Association National Conference in Portland, Oregon. ITG was a Platinum Sponsor of the biennial meeting and sponsored the All Conference Reception to close the event. ITG thanks all those who visited its booth and partied heartily at the reception.
About the Integrated Technology Group
Integrated Technology Group (www.integratedtek.com) develops, markets, and supports library automation technologies that empower librarians to make operations more efficient and better serve their patrons. ITG's products include patron self-checkout, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Automated Materials Handling (AMH) systems, library materials security, public computer reservation, and print management. With over 30 years experience in the library industry, ITG combines smart technology and progressive design to create standard solutions that can be easily customized to meet site-specific requirements. ITG, a division of Vernon Library Supplies, Inc., is headquartered in Norcross, Georgia. -
April 16th, 2010LIS JobsLast date: 16th April 2010.
Duration of trainees: April 2010 to 30th September 2010.
Candidates with Bachelors Degree and Masters Degree in Library Science may apply.
Remuneration will be Rs. 8000/PM.
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Online applications also may be forwarded to "meera at isibang dot ac dot in". Fresh candidates with good aptitude also will be considered. Candidates with good academic background and computer knowledge will be preferred. Candidates who are readily available to join immediately may apply. -
April 16th, 2010LIS JobsLast Date: 15.04.2010
More: http://www.iiita.ac.in/pub/AdminPosts022010.pdf -