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October 25th, 2008Uncategorized
Last Date of Application: 21 days from 4 October, 2008 (25/10/2008).
Age Limit: 27 Years with relaxation to SC/ST/OBC.
Scale: Rs. 3050-75-4590/-
Print Access to this Advertisement: Employment News 4-10 October 2008. P. 45.
Tags: LIS Jobs India, RSS -
October 24th, 2008UncategorizedLast date of applicataion: Does not mentioned.
Qualifications: Certificate / Diploma in Library Science OR BLSc / MLSc.
Salary: Rs. 4000/- to 6000/- per month depending upon the qualifications
and experience. (Posts are temporary in nature). The position is for a period of 6 months (extendable for another 6 months if required). Interested candidates may contact the
Librarian, IGM Library, University of Hyderabad, Gachibowli, P.O. Central University
HYDERABAD-500046, Tel: 2313 2600, 23010318, email: mkrlib@uohyd.ernet.inTags: LIS Jobs India, RSS
October 22nd, 2008UncategorizedLast Date: 22.10.08
Deputy Librarian – 1 Post: Scale of Pay : Rs. 12,000 – 18,300
Library Information Assistant – 1 Post: Scale of Pay : Rs. 5,500 – 9,000
For more details please contact: LIS Jobs India, RSS
October 22nd, 2008UncategorizedLast Date: 22.10.08 ONLINE
Advertisement No. 01 / 2008/
For full details please visit the official website of MNNIT LIS Jobs India, RSS
October 20th, 2008UncategorizedThe last date for mailing CV is 20th October, 2008.
Number of vcancy: 2.
The duration of intern will be for 6 months.
1. Local candidate only preferred (ie., From Mumbai)
2. Should be BLIS or MLIS Pursuing candidate.
3. Should have enough communication and computer knowledge skills to communicate with the executives internally and to handle daily Library routines.
Interested candidates are requested to mail their detailed CV to
The short listed candidates will be informed for the interview over e-mail or phone.Tags: LIS Jobs India, RSS