February 22nd, 2019Uncategorized
Facet Publishing announces the publication of The Freedom of Information Officer's Handbook by Paul Gibbons.
Freedom of information (FOI) is now an international phenomenon with over 100 countries from Albania to Zimbabwe enacting the right to know for their citizens. Since 2005, the UK’s Freedom of Information Act has opened up thousands of public bodies to unparalleled scrutiny and prompted further moves to transparency.
The Freedom of Information Officer’s Handbook is a comprehensive guide to FOI and its management. It is designed to be an indispensable tool for FOI Officers and their colleagues. It includes:
• a guide to the UK’s FOI Act, the right to know and the exemptions
• clear analysis of the most important case law and its implications for the handling of FOI requests
• pointers to the best resources to help FOI officers in their work
• explanations of how FOI interacts with other legislation, including detailed explorations of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and how the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation impacts on FOI
• a look at requirements to proactively publish information and the effect of copyright and re-use laws on FOI and open data
• comparisons of the UK’s Act with FOI legislation in other jurisdictions from Scotland to South Africa
• an exploration of the role of the FOI Officer: who they are, what they do, their career development and what makes them effective
• suggestions on how to embed FOI within an organisation using effective procedures, technology and training
• a stage-by-stage guide to processing requests for information.Jon Baines, Data Protection Advisor at Mischon de Reya LLP said 'Several years ago Paul Gibbons ‘outed’ himself as ‘FOIMan’– until that point an anonymous commentator on Freedom of Information, and subject of much speculation as to his identity. Since then Paul has established himself as one of the leading experts in the field. I’m delighted he has now cemented this position with the first book which really meets the needs of and challenges facing FOI practitioners. Paul has an easy and approachable writing style, but a formidable knowledge and rigorous research lie behind that.'
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Press and review copies contact:
Sinéad Murphy, Marketing and Sales Manager, Facet Publishing
Tel: +44 (0)20 7255 0594
Email: sinead.murphy@facetpublishing.co.uk
Notes:The Freedom of Information Officer's Handbook | January 2019 | 312pp | paperback: 9781783303533 | £64.95 | hardback: 9781783303540 | £129.95 | eBook: 9781783303557
Paul Gibbons is an independent consultant and trainer specialising in information rights. He is best known for his FOIMan blog which he began writing in 2010 reflecting on his own experiences of implementing FOI in three very different public authorities: the Greater London Authority, an NHS Trust in south-east London and SOAS, a college of the University of London. Before getting involved in FOI, Paul completed a Masters in Archives Administration at Aberystwyth University, going on to work for many years as a records manager in the pharmaceutical industry, local government and in the Houses of Parliament. He was later awarded an LLM with distinction in Information Rights, Law and Practice by the University of Northumbria.
The book is published by Facet Publishing and is available to pre-order from Bookpoint Ltd | Tel: +44 (0)1235 827702 | Fax: +44 (0)1235 827703 | Email: facet@bookpoint.co.uk | Web: www.facetpublishing.co.uk. | Mailing Address: Mail Order Dept, 39 Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4TD. It will be available in North America from the American Library Association.
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February 21st, 2019Uncategorized
ByWater Solutions, an open source community contributor and America’s forefront provider of Koha support, announced today that the Chautauqua Cattaraugus Library System, in New York is now live on Koha with ByWater Solutions! ByWater completed the transition of the library’s 470,000 plus holdings from Symphony ILS and is providing ongoing support services to the library. The library’s customized Koha OPAC can be viewed at: https://catalog.cclsny.org/.
Nate Curulla, CRO for ByWater Solutions recently commented on the migration for the Chautauqua Cattaraugus Library System:
"We are very excited to have the chance to partner with the Chautauqua Cattaraugus Library System’s team of passionate librarians for their implementation of Koha! We are excited to help empower the team with the Open Source ILS technology."
About Chautauqua Cattaraugus Library System
The Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System is a cooperative Public Library System serving 36 member libraries in a two-county area of 2,415 square miles. It is a rural area; most of its 215,222 people live in scattered hamlets and small villages. The member libraries serve populations ranging up to 31,146 but the majority serve populations of less than 4,000. All chartered public libraries in the System’s service area are members of the System.Read more at: http://www.cclsny.org/ccls-profile/
Mission Statement
The mission of the Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System is to foster, strengthen, and improve public library services within its two-county service area.About ByWater Solutions
ByWater Solutions is a full service, high quality Koha support and implementation company dedicated to providing libraries with a lower cost, more advanced level of support for their ILS than a traditional proprietary solution can offer. ByWater Solutions has a proven track record in first rate Koha implementation and support with library systems of all sizes.Our highly ranked, comprehensive support is what sets our company apart from any other vendor in the industry. Partnering with ByWater Solutions for Koha support not only lowers the cost of implementing and maintaining an ILS, but more importantly empowers libraries by giving them the flexibility and freedom they deserve. For more information please visit: https://bywatersolutions.com
About Koha
Koha is the first open-source Integrated Library System (ILS). In use worldwide, its development is steered by a growing community of libraries collaborating to achieve their technology goals. Koha’s impressive feature set continues to evolve and expand to meet the needs of its user base. It includes modules for circulation, cataloging, acquisitions, serials, reserves, patron management, branch relationships, and more.Koha’s OPAC, circulation, management and self-checkout interfaces are all based on standards-compliant World Wide Web technologies, HTML5, CSS and Javascript, making Koha a truly platform-independent solution. Koha is distributed under the open-source General Public License (GPL). For more information about Koha, please visit: http://koha-community.org/
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February 20th, 2019Uncategorized
Provo, Utah, February, 19, 2019 – Backstage Library Works (www.bslw.com) is pleased to announce that Thomas Forsythe has been appointed as Northeast account representative for the sales team representing cataloging, digitization, microfilm, authority control, reclassification, data conversion and on-site services.
Thomas will work with libraries, archives, and museums in New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine, along with Quebec and the Atlantic provinces.
Thomas has been with Backstage for over twelve years. He holds a master’s degree in library and information science and has served as an on-site services project manager and client support manager during his career with Backstage.
Jeff Calcagno, sales manager for Backstage states:
“Thomas comes to this position with considerable knowledge and experience companywide as well as a good understanding of client needs across our service groups. He has been involved in one form or another with hands-on work for several of the service groups including a lengthy and very successful time as the lead project manager for numerous onsite projects in both the United States and the United Kingdom. He is eager to begin his travels to meet with current and prospective clients. We are excited to have Thomas on our team.”
About Backstage Library Works
Backstage’s objective is to provide the most technologically advanced, high quality, yet efficient means for delivering professional library services. With over 30 years of experience, the company is known for its expertise in handling complex and unique projects. Backstage specializes in solutions for cataloging, authority control, digitization, preservation microfilm, and on-site needs. In providing services to more than a thousand libraries, large and small, public and private, and in locations across the globe, Backstage has cultivated an understanding of libraries, their mission, their operations, and the challenges they face. Backstage offices are located in Provo, Utah, and Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
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February 20th, 2019Uncategorized
ByWater Solutions, an open source community contributor and America’s forefront provider of Koha support, announced today that the Pueblo City County Library District, in Colorado is now live on Koha with ByWater Solutions! ByWater completed the transition of the library’s 380,000 plus holdings from Symphony ILS earlier this year and is providing ongoing support services to the library. The library’s customized Koha OPAC can be viewed at: https://pueblopl.bywatersolutions.com.
Nate Curulla, CRO, recently commented on the partnership with Pueblo City Library District:
"In addition to choosing an open source ILS, Pueblo City Library District has agreed to share and collaborate with ByWater Solutions to broaden the functionality of the public facing catalog in a way that will minimize the need to use other 3rd party products to engage with customers."
About the Pueblo City County Library District
Pueblo City-County Library District is the public library system that serves Pueblo, Colo. PCCLD has 12 locations and its service area includes a population of approximately 165,000 residents.PCCLD serves as a foundation for our community by offering welcoming, well equipped and maintained facilities, outstanding collections and well-trained employees who provide expert service encouraging the joy of reading, supporting lifelong learning and presenting access to information from around the world.
Pueblo City-County Library District is a 2018 National Medal for Museum and Library Service Winner.
Motto, Mission and Vision
MOTTO Ideas, Imagination & Information MISSION We serve as a foundation for our community by offering welcoming, well equipped and maintained facilities,outstanding collections, and well-trained employees who provide expert service encouraging the joy of reading, supporting lifelong learning and presenting access to information from around the world. VISION Books and Beyond
About ByWater Solutions
ByWater Solutions is a full service, high quality Koha support and implementation company dedicated to providing libraries with a lower cost, more advanced level of support for their ILS than a traditional proprietary solution can offer. ByWater Solutions has a proven track record in first rate Koha implementation and support with library systems of all sizes.Our highly ranked, comprehensive support is what sets our company apart from any other vendor in the industry. Partnering with ByWater Solutions for Koha support not only lowers the cost of implementing and maintaining an ILS, but more importantly empowers libraries by giving them the flexibility and freedom they deserve. For more information please visit: https://bywatersolutions.com
About Koha
Koha is the first open-source Integrated Library System (ILS). In use worldwide, its development is steered by a growing community of libraries collaborating to achieve their technology goals. Koha’s impressive feature set continues to evolve and expand to meet the needs of its user base. It includes modules for circulation, cataloging, acquisitions, serials, reserves, patron management, branch relationships, and more.Koha’s OPAC, circulation, management and self-checkout interfaces are all based on standards-compliant World Wide Web technologies, HTML5, CSS and Javascript, making Koha a truly platform-independent solution. Koha is distributed under the open-source General Public License (GPL). For more information about Koha, please visit: http://koha-community.org/
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February 19th, 2019Uncategorized
Duluth, Ga., February 19, 2019: Equinox is pleased to announce the successful migration of Phillipsburg Free Public Library into the open source community with their deployment of Koha.
The Phillipsburg Free Public Library has been serving their community since 1923. Their migration involved 86,414 bibliographic records and 7,496 patrons. Equinox provided project management and configuration services in addition to data extraction. As part of Phillipsburg’s migration Equinox also provided Koha support, hosting, and auxiliary services. To prepare for migration remote training was included by Equinox staff.
“Equinox rose to the challenge of migrating our library to Koha over a few short months,” said Deb Messling, director of the Phillipsburg Free Public Library. “We are a small library with no dedicated IT staff, and the Equinox team was patient, supportive and thorough in answering our questions and helping us build a system that works for us and our community.”
Founded in 1999 Koha is the first free and open source library automation package. Equinox's team includes long-standing Koha developers and core committers.
"It was great working with the staff at Phillipsburg,” said Rogan Hamby, data and project analyst at Equinox. “They've dived into the migration with enthusiasm and been a pleasure to work with. Knowing them now and the love they have for their work makes me glad they're part of the Koha community and I'm excited to see how they're going to use it for their patrons."
To learn more about Koha and the expert services Equinox has to offer please visit https://www.equinoxinitiative.org/.
About Equinox Open Library Initiative
Equinox Open Library Initiative Inc. is a nonprofit company engaging in literary, charitable, and educational endeavors serving cultural and knowledge institutions. As the successor to Equinox Software, Inc., the Initiative carries forward a decade of service and experience with Evergreen and other open source library software. At Equinox OLI we help you empower your library with open source technologies.About Koha
Created in 1999 by Katipo Communications for the Horowhenua Library Trust in New Zealand, Koha is the first open source Integrated Library System to be used worldwide. The software is a full-featured ILS with a dual-database design (search engine and RDBMS) built to be compliant with library standards. Koha’s OPAC, staff, and self-checkout interfaces are all web applications. Distributed under the General Public License (GPL), libraries are free to use and install Koha themselves or to purchase support and development services. For more information on Koha, please visit http://koha-community.org.###
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