October 31st, 2016Uncategorized
For immediate release
Meet the challenge of digital scholarship
Facet Publishing have announced the release of Developing Digital Scholarship: Emerging practices in academic libraries
This new book, edited by Alison Mackenzie and Lindsey Martin, provides strategic insights drawn from librarians who are meeting the challenge of digital scholarship, utilizing the latest technologies and creating new knowledge in partnership with researchers, scholars, colleagues and students.
The impact of digital on libraries has extended far beyond its transformation of content, to the development of services, the extension and enhancement of access to research and to teaching and learning systems. As a result, the fluidity of the digital environment can often be at odds with the more systematic approaches to development traditionally taken by academic libraries, which has also led to a new generation of roles and shifting responsibilities with staff training and development often playing ‘catch-up’. One of the key challenges to emerge is how best to demonstrate expertise in digital scholarship which draws on the specialist technical knowledge of the profession and maintains and grows its relevance for staff, students and researchers.
Developing Digital Scholarship spans a wide range of contrasting perspectives, contexts, insights and case studies, which explore the relationships between digital scholarship, contemporary academic libraries and professional practice.
The editors said,” Our book demonstrates that there are opportunities to be bold, remodel, trial new approaches and reposition the library as a key partner in the process of digital scholarship.”
Alison Mackenzie is the Dean of Learning Services at Edge Hill University. Alison has been an active contributor in the development of the profession having held roles on the SCONUL Board, and as Chair of the performance Measurement and Quality Strategy group. She is currently a member of the Northern Collaboration steering group and is co-editor of this book.
Lindsey Martin is the Assistant Head of learning Services and is responsible for the learning technologies managed and supported by Learning Services. She has responsibility for the virtual learning environment and its associated systems, media production, classroom AV, and development of staff digital capability. Lindsey has worked in academic libraries for the past 20+ years in a variety of roles. She has been active on the Heads of eLearning Forum Steering group (HeLF) for a number of years and is currently its Chair. She is co-editor of this book.
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Press and review copies contact:
James Williams, Marketing Manager, Facet Publishing
Tel: +44 (0)20 7255 0597
Email: james.williams@facetpublishing.co.ukNotes:
Developing Digital Scholarship: Emerging practices in academic libraries | Oct 2016 | 192pp | paperback: 9781783301102 | £49.95 | hardback: 9781783301782 | £89.95
The book is published by Facet Publishing and is available from Bookpoint Ltd | Tel: +44 (0)1235 827702 | Fax: +44 (0)1235 827703 | Email: facet@bookpoint.co.uk | Web: www.facetpublishing.co.uk. | Mailing Address: Mail Order Dept, 39 Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4TD. It is available in North America from the American Library Association.
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October 27th, 2016Uncategorized
Leiden (NL) / Boston (USA) / Singapore (SG) – 27 October 2016
Effective 1 November 2016 Mr. Marti Huetink, Publishing Director of the History program at Brill, will begin coordinating all business development activities of the company in the area of Digital Humanities. Next to his title of Publishing Director, Mr. Huetink will carry the title of Program Director Digital Humanities.
Brill has identified a number of core technologies which are likely to have a deep impact on research activities in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Spatial software and GIS, pattern and image recognition, semantic technologies and statistical analysis to name a few, will impact research strategies in various fields and therefore the form and nature of publications resulting from those research activities. Publications will show new features and will come with new user interfaces. The addition of data, software and multi-media are believed to influence the publication culture in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Publications will have to comply with user demands and FAIR principles. Brill is determined to play a leading role in the innovation of publishing in the fields it covers and actively reaches out to partners in the endeavor.
For more information about Brill’s Digital Humanities program, please contact Marti Huetink at huetink@brill.com.
About Brill
Founded in 1683 in Leiden, the Netherlands, Brill is a leading international academic publisher in 20 main subject areas, including Middle East and Islamic Studies, Asian Studies, Classical Studies, History, Biblical and Religious Studies, Language & Linguistics, Biology, and International Law. With offices in Leiden and Boston and a representative office in Singapore, Brill today publishes over 250 journals and around 1000 new books and reference works each year, available in both print and electronic form. Brill also markets a large number of primary source research collections and databases. The company’s key customers are academic and research institutions, libraries, and scholars. Brill is a publicly traded company listed on Euronext Amsterdam NV. For more information, visit www.brill.com.View this Media Alert online: http://www.brill.com/news/brill-appoints-program-director-digital-humani...
Tags:Organization Type:Topics:Intended Audience: -
October 26th, 2016Uncategorized
EBSCO Health Partners with McMaster University’s Health Information Research Unit to Expand Evidence-Based Healthcare
~ Will Bring More Evidence-Based Information to Healthcare Professionals ~IPSWICH, Mass. — October 26, 2016 — Two organizations dedicated to evidence-based healthcare are joining forces to ensure that healthcare professionals can make decisions based on the best available evidence. The partnership between EBSCO Health and McMaster University’s Health Information Research Unit brings together two of the most established services that provide systematic literature surveillance to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare.
McMaster University is the birthplace of evidence-based healthcare. The Health Information Research Unit was created at McMaster to study and facilitate the transfer of high quality evidence from health care research to practitioners and publishers, via McMaster Premium Literature Service. McMaster PLUS™ uses its Critical Appraisal Process to identify studies and systematic reviews that are scientifically sound. Articles from the 120 top journals that meet McMaster’s scientific criteria are then rated by frontline clinicians for relevance and newsworthiness through the McMaster Online Rating of Evidence (MORE™) system.
By working with McMaster, EBSCO Health products will be uniquely empowered for continuously accessing systematically validated evidence for health care. This will complement EBSCO Health’s Evidence Validation Unit, which employs a systematic seven-step process to identify, critique, summarize and synthesize the best available evidence for clinical decision-making.
EBSCO’s synthesized evidence is presented in DynaMed Plus® in an easy-to-access format so healthcare professionals can use it at the point of care to make the best evidence-based clinical decisions as quickly as possible. The evidence surveillance also informs Nursing Reference Center™, Rehabilitation Reference Center™ and Patient Education Reference Center™ to provide the best current information to professionals and patients across the health care system.
McMaster and EBSCO Health will also team up to provide free updates of highly impactful evidence, organized and delivered with cutting edge technology. Currently, more than 200,000 subscribers receive recent and relevant studies that have been rated through the McMaster MORE system. With an overwhelming number of studies being published, this service allows healthcare professionals to have a resource that alerts them to the latest and best evidence in their particular field. Connecting this resource with EBSCO Health resources that provide context across healthcare will enhance the relevance and utility for these updates.
EBSCO Health Senior Vice President of Medical Product Management Betsy Jones says that this partnership will promote the use of systematically validated evidence. “McMaster is well-known throughout the world for its pioneering efforts to disseminate evidence-based information. This is closely aligned with EBSCO Health’s commitment to provide the global healthcare community with the information they need to make informed decisions. The integration between the McMaster and EBSCO Heath systems of literature surveillance will ensure that users of all EBSCO Health products have rapid access to the most valid evidence for clinical care.”
McMaster Industrial Liaison Office Chief, Gay Yuytung, provides the McMaster view on the agreement. “This joint venture with EBSCO provides McMaster’s Health Information Research Unit with a great opportunity to enhance generation and dissemination of health knowledge. McMaster and a world-class publisher like EBSCO can contribute very different but highly complementary components to their common goal of knowledge translation, aiming to improve the capabilities of clinicians for timely application of current best evidence for health care.”
About McMaster University’s Health Information Research Unit (HiRU)
HiRU was created in 1987 to study the problems in dissemination and uptake of validated health care knowledge, and to develop and test and deliver solutions to these problems. Beginning with more informative abstracts for journal articles in 1987, HiRU has created many innovations for knowledge transfer including ACP Journal Club (sponsored by the American College of Physicians), Evidence-Based Medicine (sponsored by the BMJ), and numerous internet-based “best evidence” services for clinicians, publishers, professional organizations, and others around the world.About EBSCO Health
EBSCO Health, part of EBSCO Information Services, is a leading provider of clinical decision support solutions, healthcare business intelligence, and medical research information for the healthcare industry. EBSCO Health users include professionals in medicine, nursing, and allied health. Flagship products include CINAHL®, DynaMed Plus™, Nursing Reference Center™, clinical e-books and e-journals, EBSCO Discovery Service™, licensed databases (such as MEDLINE®), plus EBSCONET®. EBSCO databases are powered by EBSCOhost®, the electronic resource favored by libraries around the world.###
For more information, please contact:
Kathleen McEvoy
Vice President of Communications
(800) 653-2726 ext. 2594
kmcevoy@ebsco.comOrganization Type:Topics:Intended Audience: -
October 26th, 2016Uncategorized
Massachusetts Library Group Receives Grant from EBSCO Information Services
~ Financial Grant will Support New Evergreen Developments ~Worcester, Mass. — October 25, 2016 — The web-based, open source Integrated Library System (ILS)
Evergreen will be continuing to develop software that meets the needs of libraries thanks in part to a grant from EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO). The grant to the Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative (MassLNC) is intended to finance new developments of popular catalog features for thousands of libraries using Evergreen.Evergreen is a highly scalable software for libraries that helps library patrons find library materials, and helps libraries manage, catalog and circulate those materials, no matter how large or complex the libraries. Started by the Georgia Public Library System in 2006, it has been adopted by a number of library consortia in North America as well as individual libraries around the world.
EBSCO’s contribution will assist Evergreen’s efforts to:
• Improve its ability to group together multiple formats and editions of a work
• Provide quick links that allow users to jump to alternate formats and editions from any record in the catalog
• Make other improvements to Evergreen search that group formats and edition, including improved record retrieval and a new setting to make it a library’s default searchMassLNC, a collaborative project of two library consortia: the North of Boston Library Exchange (NOBLE) and the Central/Western Massachusetts Automated Resource Sharing network (C/W MARS), works with Evergreen libraries and consortia to pool resources for Evergreen development. MassLNC will distribute the funds and oversee the development and integration conducted by Evergreen contributors: MOBIUS, a non-profit library consortium that supports the Missouri Evergreen consortium, and Equinox Software, an organization solely dedicated to the support and development of open source library technologies.
“We are very excited about this new partnership between MassLNC and EBSCO to bring important new functionality to the Evergreen catalog,” said MassLNC Coordinator Kathy Lussier. “The grant will help our efforts to provide a user-friendly and visually-appealing catalog that is easy for patrons to find material at their libraries.”
EBSCO Vice President of Global Software Services Ron Burns says that EBSCO’s support of Evergreen is part of the company’s commitment to open source for libraries. “Evergreen is a popular open source ILS that fulfills the core needs of many libraries, EBSCO has a strong history of supporting open source platforms that provide libraries with the systems that work for them, regardless of the library’s size or resources. This directly aligns with the Evergreen community’s efforts to enhance the management and discoverability of libraries’ diverse materials and formats.”
For more information on MassLNC, visit http://masslnc.org and to learn more about Evergreen, visit http://evergreen-ils.org.
About Evergreen
Evergreen is the leading Integrated Library System for consortia and delivers local flexibility and granularity of policies that no other software can match. Evergreen maintains robust performance on its open PostgreSQL database and delivers the most interoperability for libraries via its truly open APIs. The Evergreen community is made up of individuals, libraries, companies, and other organizations that support the software. Approximately 1,800 libraries around the world use Evergreen.
Evergreen is open-source software, licensed under the GNU GPL, version 2 or later. It is available to all for download from the Evergreen web site at http://evergreen-ils.org.About Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative (MassLNC)
The Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative is a collaborative project between two Massachusetts library consortia - the Central/Western Massachusetts Automated Resource Sharing network (C/W MARS) and the North of Boston Library Exchange (NOBLE) - to work together to support and improve Evergreen. The project started with the support of a Library Services and Technology Act grant from the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners and is currently supported by the participating consortia and development partners.The cooperative's goals are to provide a mutual support mechanism among full members, facilitate the pooling of resources for continued development of Evergreen, and to grow expertise to support and improve Evergreen. MassLNC also coordinates the MassLNC Evergreen Development Initiative, an opportunity for libraries and consortia running Evergreen to maximize their resources by pooling funds to sponsor exciting new features and important improvements for the open-source system. More information about MassLNC can be found at http://masslnc.org.
About EBSCO Information Services
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) is the leading discovery service provider for libraries worldwide with more than 11,000 discovery customers in over 100 countries. EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS) provides each institution with a comprehensive, single search box for its entire collection, offering unparalleled relevance ranking quality and extensive customization. EBSCO is also the preeminent provider of online research content for libraries, including hundreds of research databases, historical archives, point-of-care medical reference, and corporate learning tools serving millions of end users at tens of thousands of institutions. EBSCO is the leading provider of electronic journals & books for libraries, with subscription management for more than 360,000 serials, including more than 57,000 e-journals, as well as online access to more than 900,000 e-books. For more information, visit the EBSCO website at: www.ebsco.com. EBSCO Information Services is a division of EBSCO Industries Inc., a family owned company since 1944.
For more information, please contact:
Kathy Lussier
MassLNC Coordinator
(508) 343-0128
klussier@masslnc.orgTechnologies:Topics:Organization Type:Intended Audience: -
October 25th, 2016Uncategorized
Leiden (NL) / Boston (USA) / Singapore (SG) – 25 October 2016
Brill, the international scholarly publisher, further expands its portfolio in Early Modern History with the book series Catholic Christendom, 1300-1700 (CAC, http://www.brill.com/cac) and St Andrews Studies in Reformation History (SASRH, http://www.brill.com/sasrh), both formerly published by Ashgate. Books in both series will become available in print and online.
Giorgio Caravale, Ralph Keen, and J. Christopher Warner, the Editors of Catholic Christendom, 1300-1700 commented: "When Catholic Christendom, 1300-1700 required a new publisher, we saw that Brill was clearly the best home for the series. The international and multi-disciplinary scope of Catholic Christendom aligns perfectly with Brill's history and mission as an academic press: it both complements and is complemented by Brill's other book series devoted to the medieval, Renaissance, and Reformation periods."
Andrew Pettegree, Editor of St Andrews Studies in Reformation History, commented: “St Andrews Studies in Reformation History is one of the longest established series in the field, with over 120 published volumes since its foundation in 1996. When it became clear that it required a new home, the editorial board was delighted to accept an invitation to move to Brill. Brill already has a proud heritage and extended publishing list in this area of scholarship. Now, together with the existing Brill series Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions and Studies in the History of Christian Tradition, as well as with Catholic Christendom 1300-1700, it will have a commanding presence in the field of early modern religion. It is a great pleasure to welcome already our first volume in Brill livery, and to look forward (with more than 20 further volumes already under contract) to many more.”
Arjan van Dijk, Brill’s Acquisition Editor commented: “We are very pleased that the editors of St Andrews Studies in Reformation History and Catholic Christendom, 1300-1700 chose Brill as their new publisher. Both series strengthen Brill’s list in early modern history and complement existing series and journals in the Brill program, such as Brill’s Companions to the Christian Tradition and the Jesuit Studies book series. We look forward to working with the editorial teams and to further developing these already highly respected book series.”
For customer queries please contact your regular distributor or directly contact Brill sales and customer services for brill@turpin-distribution.com (outside the Americas) or brillna@turpin-distribution.com (the Americas).
About Brill
Founded in 1683 in Leiden, the Netherlands, Brill is a leading international academic publisher in 20 main subject areas, including Middle East and Islamic Studies, Asian Studies, Classical Studies, History, Biblical and Religious Studies, Language & Linguistics, Biology, and International Law. With offices in Leiden and Boston and a representative office in Singapore, Brill today publishes 265 journals and around 1000 new books and reference works each year, available in both print and electronic form. Brill also markets a large number of primary source research collections and databases. The company’s key customers are academic and research institutions, libraries, and scholars. Brill is a publicly traded company and is listed on Euronext Amsterdam NV. For more information, visit www.brill.com.View this Media Alert online: http://www.brill.com/news/brill-now-publishes-catholic-christendom-1300-...
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