February 26th, 2016Uncategorized
Nathan Curulla
(888) 900-8944
sales@bywatersolutions.comThe Lancaster Theological Seminary Library Goes Live on ByWater Solutions Koha Support
ByWater Solutions, an open source community contributor and America's forefront provider of Koha support, announced today that the Schaff Library at the Lancaster Theological Seminary of Lancaster, PA. is now live on their Koha open source integrated library system.
ByWater Solutions has completed the migration of the library's more than 130,000 titles earlier this year and is providing ongoing hosting and support services to the library. The library's customized online catalog can be viewed at: https://library.lancasterseminary.edu
Deaconess Myka Kennedy Stephens, Seminary Librarian and Assistant Professor of Theological Bibliography, commented on their decision to move to Koha with ByWater:
"Schaff Library at Lancaster Theological Seminary has been a Koha library for just over a year. We expected and welcomed the tremendous improvement over our outdated proprietary ILS. What we did not expect was to become a member of a broad family of Koha users and recipients of fantastic out-of-this-world service and support from ByWater Solutions. There are bumps in every ILS migration, but the team at ByWater was very supportive and responsive throughout the migration process. Once migration was complete, the level of service and support did not change. Because Koha is open source, all of us who use Koha participate in its ongoing development. This has been one of the most exciting parts of becoming a Koha library. Our needs lead to ideas that are funneled into developments, and this is how Koha continues to improve the way libraries manage their resources. It is a beautiful thing and we are so proud to be a part of it."
About the Lancaster Theological Seminary:
Lancaster Theological Seminary is a richly diverse and dynamic graduate school of theology located in the historic city of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Affiliated with the United Church of Christ, our campus is home to an engaged community of students and faculty from many Christian traditions and backgrounds. Our mission is to educate and nurture leaders to join in God's redemptive and liberating work so that all creation may flourish. For more information please visit: https://lancasterseminary.edu/About Koha:
Koha is the first open-source Integrated Library System (ILS). In use worldwide, its development is steered by a growing community of libraries collaborating to achieve their technology goals. Koha's impressive feature set continues to evolve and expand to meet the needs of its user base. It includes modules for circulation, cataloging, acquisitions, serials, reserves, patron management, branch relationships, and more.Koha's OPAC, circulation, management and self-checkout interfaces are all based on standards-compliant World Wide Web technologies–HTML5, CSS and Javascript–making Koha a truly platform-independent solution. Koha is distributed under the open-source General Public License (GPL). For more information about Koha, please visit: http://koha-community.org/
About ByWater Solutions:
ByWater Solutions is a full service, high quality support and implementation company dedicated to providing libraries with a lower cost, more advanced level of support for their ILS than a traditional proprietary solution can offer. ByWater Solutions has a proven track record in first rate Koha implementation and support with library systems of all sizes. Our highly ranked, comprehensive support is what sets our company apart from any other vendor in the industry. Partnering with ByWater Solutions to support Koha not only lowers the cost of implementing and maintaining an ILS, but more importantly empowers libraries by giving them the flexibility and freedom they deserve. For more information please visit: http://bywatersolutions.com/Technologies:Organization Type:Company Name:Intended Audience:Topics: -
February 25th, 2016Uncategorized
IPSWICH, Mass. — February 25, 2016 — LearningExpress, an EBSCO company and leading provider of standardized test preparation, is rolling out its new SAT® test preparation resources to help students succeed on the redesigned SAT test. Schools, institutions, and libraries with subscriptions to LearningExpress Library™ or PrepSTEP™ 2-Year College Edition have immediate access to the new resources to meet the needs of their students who will be taking the new SAT test.
The new SAT test will be administered beginning March 5, 2016, and it includes sweeping changes. Students not only have to navigate the new test format, they’ll need strong core academic skills to do well. Instead of memorizing vocabulary words or cramming for the test, students will need to use more sophisticated skills such as logic, reasoning and the ability to interpret evidence presented in a range of sources like charts, tables, graphs and multi-paragraph passages. In addition, the questions and problems on the new test will utilize real-world contexts to better align with what students have learned in the classroom and to measure their readiness for college-level work.
LearningExpress SAT test resources provide an authentic testing experience and personalized test preparation for each student. The integrated resources help students identify their strengths, overcome their weaknesses, and gain practice and confidence with the new test’s format, timing and content. Students will also receive learning paths, resource recommendations, and guidance for self-study.
Test-takers will benefit from:
• Timed full-length practice tests with SAT-like scoring
• Robust tutorials for each subject area of the test with extensive instruction, interactive practices, benchmarking, diagnostic score reports, and personalized study plans
• Instant test scoring with resource recommendations for further study
• Individual practice tests for each section of the test
• Detailed answer explanations with pathways to related content
• An introductory tutorial for the 2016 SAT test with everything students need to know about the new test
• Extensive, built-in guidance for effective self-studyStudents can use the skill-building and the section-specific SAT practice tests right now, and the SAT test preparation tutorials and full-length practice tests will be released in late March.
Kheil McIntyre, Chief Operating Officer and General Manager of LearningExpress says that improving its resources is an ongoing process, whether it is to address changes in tests or to incorporate features that will provide students with greater benefits. “Libraries and schools across North America depend on LearningExpress to provide them with skill-building and test preparation resources that can be life-changing for their students, patrons, and communities. We’ve provided SAT test preparation for more than 15 years and are proud to continually offer new resources that will help students succeed.”LearningExpress materials are created to the highest academic standards by an experienced team of subject matter experts, educators, and editors. The development process produces authentic and content-valid tests and supporting tutorials based on sound psychometric principles. In addition to the SAT test content available in LearningExpress Library and PrepSTEP 2-Year College Edition platforms, each resource also includes a vast collection of math, reading and writing skill-building resources that are essential to strengthening the core skills needed for the redesigned test.
About LearningExpress
LearningExpress, founded in 1995 and a part of EBSCO Information Services since April 2015, is an award-winning educational technology company and recognized leader in providing online workforce skills, academic, and career content for the business, education, government, and library markets. Visit LearningExpress at www.learningexpressllc.com.About EBSCO Information Services
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) is the leading discovery service provider for libraries worldwide with more than 8,000 discovery customers in over 100 countries. EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS) provides each institution with a comprehensive, single search box for its entire collection, offering unparalleled relevance ranking quality and extensive customization. EBSCO is also the preeminent provider of online research content for libraries, including hundreds of research databases, historical archives, point-of-care medical reference, and corporate learning tools serving millions of end users at tens of thousands of institutions. EBSCO is the leading provider of electronic journals & books for libraries, with subscription management for more than 360,000 serials, including more than 57,000 e-journals, as well as online access to more than 800,000 e-books. For more information, visit the EBSCO website at: www.ebsco.com. EBSCO Information Services is a division of EBSCO Industries Inc., a family owned company since 1944.###
SAT® is a trademark registered and/or owned by the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.
For more information, please contact:
Kathleen McEvoy
Vice President of Communications
(800) 653-2726 ext. 2594
kmcevoy@ebsco.comOrganization Type:Topics:Intended Audience: -
February 24th, 2016Uncategorized
Press Release
For Immediate Release
February 1, 2016Contact: Gladys Smiley Bell 757-727-5185
or gladys.bell@hamptonu.eduThe Black Caucus of the American Library Association, Inc. (BCALA) and BiblioBoard announce winners of the 2016 Self-Publishing EBook Award. Following the model of the current BCALA Literary Awards, the new award honors the best self-published EBooks in fiction and poetry by an African American author in the U.S. The recipients will receive the awards during the 2016 Annual Conference of the American Library Association in Orlando, FL.
The first awards are dedicated to Cynthia Hurd, whose life was tragically cut short in the Mother Emanuel AME Church attack in Charleston, South Carolina. Hurd was a beloved public servant and dedicated librarian at Charleston County Public Library for over 31 years.
Dudley Gregorie, Charleston City Councilman and a trustee of Mother Emanuel AME, believes this to be an outstanding tribute to Hurd. “Cynthia [Hurd] was a cherished member of our church and our community. Her exceptional work in service of the library and local community and her tremendous spirit are more than deserving of an award in her honor, especially an award of such significance.”
The BCALA 2016 Self-Publishing EBook Award marks the first award from an ALA affiliate to acknowledge literary excellence in self-published digital content. “I believe a priority in the library should be to promote culturally diverse literature,” says Gregorie. “This award and the two winners it honors represent a remarkable and growing shift in the library world, wherein the library becomes an institution that doesn’t just serve its community, but actively engages it and evolves to meet its needs. The winning selections are relevant, socially aware texts that speak to readers and ask that they think on what it means to be a part of a community that is diverse but connected, a community with empathy. As a librarian whose true passion was to help make sure her patrons and community had every opportunity to grow together, I’m confident Cynthia would be proud to affix her name to an award in service to that cause.
Song of Blood and Stone: Earthsinger Chronicles, Book One (Heartspell Media, LLC) by L. Penelope. This book is an action packed novel that is both a story of romance and magical fantasy. Jasminda, an orphaned outcast from Elsira, encounters Jack and the two fight evil, to solve a mystery that may prevent war between two nations. Ironically, the two nations have a skin-color bias that resonate racial tensions of today. Leslye Penelope has been writing since she could hold a pen and loves getting lost in the worlds in her head. She lives in Maryland with her husband.POETRY
Streetlights, J’s and Hip Hop: Making of a Poet (Create Space Publishing) by King Shakur. A poetic walk down memory lane renders thought-provoking words at the height of the “Black Lives Matters” movement with poems that illuminate feelings from The African American community. Shakur urges readers to question one’s own society and purpose in life. He is a poet and spoken word artist heavily influenced by poverty, youth engagement, Hip Hop and Soul music. Born in Dallas, TX and raised in the South Dallas neighborhood. He wrote his first poem at 12 and his first performance was in a Baptist church, at the age of 17.Members of the BCALA Literary Awards Jury are: Gladys Smiley Bell (Chair), Hampton University; Tiffany A. Duck, Jefferson-Madison Regional Library; Jamillah Gabriel, Purdue University; Dominique Luster, University of Pittsburgh; Carol Nurse, Montclair University; Annie Payton, Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University; Stacy Williams, University of Southern California.
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February 24th, 2016Uncategorized
Kat Kamp
Backstage Library Works
www.bslw.comPROVO, Utah, February 23, 2016 –– Backstage Library Works (www.bslw.com) is pleased to introduce its new leading-edge seminar series focusing on modern library topics. The first seminar, Metadata Matters, will be hosted by Backstage in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Wednesday, March 30, 2016. The seminar will be attended by library and metadata specialists throughout the region.
Library leaders will discuss their current and future plans for tackling the challenges of today’s metadata landscape. Speakers will include metadata innovators from Stanford, Drexel, Cornell and the University of Pennsylvania, discussing projects that involve linked data, authorized headings in non-MARC environments, and XML approaches to indexing collections.
John Merrill, president of Backstage states:
“We are thrilled to have Philip E. Schreur, David McKnight, Chew Chiat Naun, Holly Tomren, and Anu Paul in the same meeting sharing their expertise and leading discussions about metadata issues. The world is so much more complex and our patrons so much more demanding that we all have to be as informed as possible about developments that can improve the user’s experience. We hope this is of value to everyone who can attend.”
About Backstage Library Works
Backstage’s objective is to provide the most technologically advanced, high quality, yet efficient means for delivering professional library services. With over 25 years of experience, the company is known for its expertise in handling complex and unique projects. Backstage specializes in solutions for cataloging, authority control, digitization, preservation microfilm, and on-site needs. In providing services to more than a thousand libraries, large and small, public and private, and in locations across the globe, Backstage has cultivated an understanding of libraries, their mission, their operations, and the challenges they face. Backstage offices are located in Provo, Utah, and Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
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February 17th, 2016Uncategorized
Nathan Curulla
(888) 900-8944
sales@bywatersolutions.comByWater Solutions Team Members to Speak at Computers in Libraries
ByWater Solutions, an open source community contributor and America's forefront provider of Koha support, is happy to announce that Owner/CRO, Nathan Curulla and Educator, Jessica Zairo will be speaking at this year's Computers in Libraries conference.
On Tuesday, March 8th, Jessica will help attendees decide if an open source integrated library system right for their library. She and co-speaker Adam Brooks will talk about how Koha is working out at some libraries which have made the switch. Learn more here: http://computersinlibraries.infotoday.com/2016/Sessions/C105-Migrating-to-an-Open-Source-ILS-9371.aspx.
Wednesday morning Nathan will be on the keynote panel discussing the technology and business trends currently in play for libraries, including industry consolidation, differing approaches to opening software to library programmers, and the shift toward cloud-based technologies. Learn more here: http://computersinlibraries.infotoday.com/2016/Sessions/Keynote-Panel-Executive-Perspectives-of-the-Library-Tech-Industry-9403.aspx.
Don't miss out on learning about Koha and open source from these two ByWater experts.
About Koha:
Koha is the first open-source Integrated Library System (ILS). In use worldwide, its development is steered by a growing community of libraries collaborating to achieve their technology goals. Koha's impressive feature set continues to evolve and expand to meet the needs of its user base. It includes modules for circulation, cataloging, acquisitions, serials, reserves, patron management, branch relationships, and more.Koha's OPAC, circulation, management and self-checkout interfaces are all based on standards-compliant World Wide Web technologies–HTML5, CSS and Javascript–making Koha a truly platform-independent solution. Koha is distributed under the open-source General Public License (GPL). For more information about Koha, please visit: http://koha-community.org/
About ByWater Solutions:
ByWater Solutions is a full service, high quality support and implementation company dedicated to providing libraries with a lower cost, more advanced level of support for their ILS than a traditional proprietary solution can offer. ByWater Solutions has a proven track record in first rate Koha implementation and support with library systems of all sizes. Our highly ranked, comprehensive support is what sets our company apart from any other vendor in the industry. Partnering with ByWater Solutions to support Koha not only lowers the cost of implementing and maintaining an ILS, but more importantly empowers libraries by giving them the flexibility and freedom they deserve. For more information please visit: http://bywatersolutions.com/Technologies:Tags:Organization Type:Company Name:Intended Audience:Topics: