April 27th, 2021Uncategorized
Duluth, Ga., April 27, 2021: Equinox Open Library Initiative is pleased to announce that the Center for Khmer Studies, with offices located in New York as well as Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, Cambodia, is one of two grant recipients of the Equinox Open Source Grant. The Equinox Open Source Grant program provides migration, implementation, hosting, and support of the Koha Integrated Library System to eligible libraries, archives, museums, and other educational, cultural, and information organizations. The grant was inspired by the vibrant open source community and the belief that every community deserves to benefit from an accessible and thriving library.
“We are extremely honored to receive Koha migration and hosting services from Equinox,” said Sivleng Chhor, Head Librarian at the Center for Khmer Studies. “We are looking forward to expanding access to our library and catalog while supporting our community and mission.”
The Center for Khmer Studies promotes research, teaching and public service pertaining to the social sciences, arts and humanities in Cambodia and the Mekong region. Their library opened in 2001 and now encompasses around 19,000 titles. The Center for Khmer Studies not only supports academic researchers but is open to the general public.
"We are excited and very much looking forward to working with the Center for Khmer Studies,” said Rogan Hamby, Data and Project Analyst at Equinox. “The Center is home to a strong and unique collection, combined with an amazing staff. It’s a special opportunity to partner with them through the Equinox Open Source Grant and provide the tools to bring an already amazing institution to a new level."
Follow Equinox Open Library Initiative on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Vimeo for the latest updates.
To receive news directly in your inbox: https://www.equinoxOLI.org/#signupFor more information:
Laura Barry
Communications Coordinator
Equinox Open Library Initiative, Inc.
877.OPEN.ILS (877.673.6457)About Equinox Open Library Initiative
Equinox Open Library Initiative provides innovative open source software for libraries of all types and delivers extraordinary service at exceptional value. As the successor to Equinox Software, Inc., Equinox Open Library Initiative builds upon more than a decade of trusted service and technical expertise, providing consulting services, software development, hosting, training, and support for Evergreen ILS, Koha ILS, and other open source library software. To learn more, please visit https://www.equinoxOLI.org. For Equinox Library Services Canada, please visit https://www.equinoxOLI.ca.About The Center for Khmer Studies (CKS)
The Center for Khmer Studies is a non-governmental and non-profit organization. CKS facilitates research and international exchange through programs that increase understanding of Cambodia and its region both within Cambodia and at American universities. CKS maintains the largest public academic library in Cambodia outside of Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia. To learn more about what we do, please visit https://khmerstudies.org/.About Koha
Created in 1999 by Katipo Communications for the Horowhenua Library Trust in New Zealand, Koha is the first open source Integrated Library System to be used worldwide. The software is a full-featured ILS with a dual-database design (search engine and RDBMS) built to be compliant with library standards. Koha’s OPAC, staff, and self-checkout interfaces are all web applications. Distributed under the General Public License (GPL), libraries are free to use and install Koha themselves or to purchase support and development services. For more information on Koha, please visit https://koha-community.org.###
Attachment Size Equinox Open Library Initiative Awards Center for Khmer Studies the Equinox Open Source Grant
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April 26th, 2021Uncategorized
Okanagan College to Become the First Canadian Institution To Fully Adopt the FOLIO Library Services Platform
~ College will Leverage EBSCO FOLIO for Hosting and Implementation ~IPSWICH, Mass. — April 26, 2021 — Okanagan College (OC) will be the first institution in Canada to fully transition to the FOLIO Library Services Platform (LSP) using EBSCO FOLIO hosting and implementation services from EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO). OC, located in British Colombia, is undertaking a phased implementation and will look to be entirely live on FOLIO before the end of 2021.
EBSCO is one of the original founders of the FOLIO project and provides implementation, hosting and support through EBSCO FOLIO Services. Okanagan College offers students bachelor’s degrees, diplomas, trades and vocational training, professional development, corporate training and adult basic education. Okanagan College will serve as an example of how all types of academic libraries in Canada can benefit from the innovativeness and flexibility of FOLIO.
Okanagan College’s Director of Library Services Ross Tyner says that the adoption of FOLIO with services from EBSCO will provide a more effective day-to-day operation at the OC Library. “FOLIO’s state-of-the art open source LSP will give us the ability to manage electronic resources on the same platform that we manage our physical resources, resulting in a better user experience, more efficient staff workflows and less duplication of work.”
FOLIO can easily integrate with existing EBSCO resources for better library workflows and patron services including the EBSCO Knowledge Base, which streamlines electronic resource management, and EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS). Okanagan College currently uses EDS as the institution’s search solution. During this transition, OC plans to leverage EBSCO’s integrated knowledge base for Electronic Resource Management workflows with the FOLIO eHoldings app, Full Text Finder, and EDS with custom catalog and patron empowerment.
About EBSCO Information Services
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) is the preeminent provider of online research content and search technologies serving academic, school and public libraries; healthcare and medical institutions; corporations; and government agencies around the world. From research, acquisition management, subscription services and discovery to clinical decision support and patient care, learning, and research and development, EBSCO provides institutions with access to content and resources to serve the information and workflow needs of their users and organizations. EBSCO Information Services is a division of EBSCO Industries, Inc., a family-owned company since 1944. For more information, visit the EBSCO website at: www.ebsco.com.###
For more information, please contact:
Kathleen McEvoy
Vice President of Communications
(800) 653-2726 x2594
kmcevoy@ebsco.comTopics:Company Name:Intended Audience:Organization Type:Technologies: -
April 26th, 2021Uncategorized
Duluth, Ga., April 26, 2021: Equinox Open Library Initiative is pleased to announce that the Vermont Jazz Center in Brattleboro, Vermont is one of two grant recipients of this year’s Equinox Open Source Grant. The Equinox Open Source Grant program provides migration, implementation, hosting, and support of the Koha Integrated Library System to eligible libraries, archives, museums, and other educational, cultural, and information organizations. The grant was inspired by the vibrant open source community and the belief that every community deserves to benefit from an accessible and thriving library.
“The Equinox team were deftly helpful in educating our team regarding Koha’s tremendous abilities. The more we investigated, the more it became clear that Equinox and their mastery of Koha was a hand-in-glove ILS solution that would serve our organization’s goals,” said Eugene Uman, Director of the Vermont Jazz Center. “We look forward to working with Equinox to make our holdings accessible to a broad demographic of users.”
The Vermont Jazz Center's history reaches back to the early 1970’s, when its founding director, jazz guitarist Attila Zoller, would invite musicians and students from New York City to unwind at his home in Newfane, Vermont. The organization incorporated in 1974 and was awarded 501(c)(3) non-profit status in 1989.
“It is exciting to help the Vermont Jazz Center establish their Koha database,” said Erica Rohlfs, Senior Implementation Project Manager at Equinox. “The Vermont Jazz Center offers literature, artist interviews, educational events, workshops, festivals, and concerts to music enthusiasts worldwide. Koha will help give their invaluable resources more exposure, searchability, and public accessibility.”
Follow Equinox Open Library Initiative on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Vimeo for the latest updates.
To receive news directly in your inbox: https://www.equinoxOLI.org/#signupFor more information:
Laura Barry
Communications Coordinator
Equinox Open Library Initiative, Inc.
877.OPEN.ILS (877.673.6457)About Equinox Open Library Initiative
Equinox Open Library Initiative provides innovative open source software for libraries of all types and delivers extraordinary service at exceptional value. As the successor to Equinox Software, Inc., Equinox Open Library Initiative builds upon more than a decade of trusted service and technical expertise, providing consulting services, software development, hosting, training, and support for Evergreen ILS, Koha ILS, and other open source library software. To learn more, please visit https://www.equinoxOLI.org. For Equinox Library Services Canada, please visit https://www.equinoxOLI.ca.Vermont Jazz Center
Vermont Jazz Center (VJC) is a 501(c)3, non-profit jazz programming and education institution that provides high quality jazz to a rural area in Southeastern Vermont. VJC's history reaches back to the early 1970s, when its founding Director, jazz guitarist Attila Zoller, would invite musicians and students from New York City to unwind at his home in Newfane, Vermont. The organization incorporated in 1974 and was awarded 501(c)(3) non-profit status in 1989. To learn more about VJC please visit https://vtjazz.org/.About Koha
Created in 1999 by Katipo Communications for the Horowhenua Library Trust in New Zealand, Koha is the first open source Integrated Library System to be used worldwide. The software is a full-featured ILS with a dual-database design (search engine and RDBMS) built to be compliant with library standards. Koha’s OPAC, staff, and self-checkout interfaces are all web applications. Distributed under the General Public License (GPL), libraries are free to use and install Koha themselves or to purchase support and development services. For more information on Koha, please visit https://koha-community.org.Attachment Size Equinox Open Library Initiative Awards Vermont Jazz Center the Equinox Open Source Grant
104.89 KB Topics:Company Name:Organization Type:Tags:Technologies: -
April 26th, 2021Uncategorized
The British Museum has launched a complete digital archive of their membership magazine in partnership with digitisation experts Exact Editions, stretching back 30 years to the first issue published in 1990. The vital resource is not only accessible to individual members through the Museum’s website but is also available to universities and corporations through cutting-edge institutional subscriptions that give users unlimited IP-authenticated access to over 90 issues and counting.
Founded in 1753, the British Museum is the oldest and greatest publicly funded museum in the world, exhibiting two million years of human history and culture. Published three times a year, the pages of membership title British Museum Magazine include striking visuals alongside museum and exhibition insights, research news and historical features.
The intuitive functionalities of the Exact Editions platform, including remote access options and an advanced search function, allows students and museum professionals alike to access a treasure trove of in-depth editorial content from the complete archive at the touch of a button across web, iOS and Android devices.
The complete archive of British Museum Magazine is available in the Exact Editions institutional shop here:
Membership Manager Claire Byfield commented: “We’re thrilled that the archive has now been completed and can be browsed and enjoyed by members and institutions around the world. Old print issues have been brought back to life and turned into an essential tool for all those who are interested in our work.”
Managing Director of Exact Editions, Daryl Rayner, remarked: “In creating this digital edition, the British Museum has brought an important resource into existence, which will undoubtedly serve as a valuable record of the exhibitions and findings of the world’s oldest museum.”
About British Museum:
Founded in 1753, the British Museum was the world’s first national public museum. Its collections focus on human history and culture and include over seven million objects. Enlightenment ideals and values – critical scrutiny of all assumptions, open debate, scientific research, progress and tolerance – have marked the Museum since its foundation.
The Museum is driven by an insatiable curiosity for the world, a deep belief in objects as reliable witnesses and documents of human history, sound research, as well as the desire to expand and share knowledge.
About Exact Editions:
Exact Editions is a digital publishing company based in London. It is a team of producers, developers and designers that turns periodicals with archives into dynamic, user-friendly digital editions. Exact Editions specialises in digitising content, selling subscriptions and providing streaming solutions across web, iOS and Android platforms. Exact Editions are also the innovators of ‘Reading Rooms’ technology, so publishers can provide streaming, time-limited, access to digital editions.
Topics:Intended Audience:Organization Type: -
April 23rd, 2021Uncategorized
In version 21.05, we focused on updates to our ILS integrations, user lists, custom covers, and web builder functionality.
During this release, we completed our implementation of Symphony by allowing patrons to update their messaging settings within Aspen so they can easily control which notices they receive via text message. We have also added support for all core discovery functionality for users of Polaris including the ability to place and modify holds, renew checkouts, and automatically index changed records from Polaris. We have also improved our Carl.X and Koha integrations.
When checking to see how our libraries promoted lists on their websites, we noticed that several libraries were generating custom graphics to represent their lists. Libraries can now add these graphics directly into Aspen Discovery to give patrons a more seamless experience when view the lists in Aspen. Patrons and staff can also now more easily apply manual sorting to lists by either dragging and dropping the titles in a list or by specifying a new position for the title. They can also easily delete multiple titles at once or even clear their entire list. Finally, patrons can easily move or copy titles between lists so if they maintain a list of titles they want to read and a list of titles they have read, they can easily move titles between those lists.
Our libraries greatly value the ability to select exactly which image is used for a grouped work. To make that process easier for them, we have added the ability to select which record the grouped work image is generated from. So you can choose to use a cover from Syndetics, Content Cafe, OverDrive, Hoopla, etc. to represent the entire work. For libraries uploading their own custom covers for games, local materials, kits, etc we have made the uploading process easier by allowing you to specify a URL to fetch from this cuts down on the number of steps needed when loading a cover from the web.
Finally, we have enhanced web builder with support for the ability to create collapsible regions on a page, insert iFrames within a cell, and improved support for libraries using web builder within a consortium.
In addition to the changes above, over 2 dozen additional changes were made to make the Aspen Discovery experience better for both staff and patrons.
Read the Full Release Notes: https://bywatersolutions.com/news/aspen-discovery-announces-21-05-00-rel...
About Aspen Discovery
Aspen is a full-featured Discovery System that integrates with e-content and other 3rd party providers, giving your patrons comprehensive access to all of your materials in one place. Aspen combines your library catalog with e-content, digital archives, and enrichment from all major third-party providers improves relevancy and ease of use, provides native reading recommendations, displays all formats of titles within one result (FRBR/record grouping) and much more. Aspen was created to give users an improved experience over other Discovery systems with less of an impact on library budgets. For more information about Aspen please visit https://bywatersolutions.com/projects/aspen-discovery.For More Information
Jessica Zairo
Director of Library Sales and Outreach
ByWater Solutions
Phone:(888)900-8944Topics:Company Name:Intended Audience:Organization Type:Technologies: