April 12th, 2010LISWire
What is National Library Week?
National library Week is an observance held by libraries across the country every year in the second week of April. It is a time to promote and celebrate the wonderful contributions of our local libraries and encourage additional library use and support. During this week, libraries will host special events centered on a special theme. This year’s theme is, "Communities thrive @ your library®." These events are designed to encourage reading and celebrate the staff and volunteers who work so hard to make our libraries a success.How can you Show your Support?
Many Friend of the library organizations host special book sales during this week to help raise additional funds for their library. We encourage you to find local book sales near you and attend. Not only will you find some amazing deals on used books and other media, you will also help generate revenue for the local library. This revenue is crucial the continuing success of local libraries.How BookSaleManager is helping?
Booksalemanager.com has listed hundreds of sales that are taking place across the country for National Library Week. We invite you to browse our extensive database of book sales to see if one is taking place near you. It is our sincere hope that you will attend a sale and support the libraries in their mission of creating better communities for us all. -