April 14th, 2010LISWire
Alliance Library System and TAP Information Services are pleased to announce the fourth in a dynamic monthly series of online workshops librarians can enjoy right at their desktops on hot topics. The latest conference on Ebooks and Audiobooks is scheduled for May 11. Tom Peters of TAP Information Services is the keynote speaker. He will speak on “Portable Ereading: Prospects and Possibilities.” He will talk about the portable reading of ebooks and digital audiobooks and how they are transforming the way people read.
Other speakers for this day-long conference include:
• Tony Bandy, Library Knowledge on “Ebooks, Google Books and your Library: Implementing Google’s Digital Resources on the Local Level”
• Michele Cobb, Audio Publisher’s Association on “The World of Downloadable Digital Audiobooks”
• Kathy Lussier, Massachusetts Network Library Collaborative on “Ebooks in the Library”
• Karen Coyle, Consultant on “The Book”
• A conversation with Overdrive
Register at http://www.eventbee.com/view/trendytopics/event?eid=65537
Registration for librarians for the one day conference is $40; for students $30; and for groups $100.
For more information on these workshops please contact Lori Bell at ALS, lbell@alliancelibrarysystem.com or Tom Peters at TAP Information Services at tpeters@tapinformation.com.
Alliance Library System is one of nine regional library systems in Illinois serving 260 libraries of all types in a 14,000 square mile area.
TAP Information Services (www.tapinformation.com) helps organizations innovate. -