April 20th, 2010LISWire
OpenSciNY (http://opensciny.com/) is a free, one-day conference to be held on May 14, 2010, at NYU's Bobst Library in New York City, NY. It is geared toward academic faculty, students, and librarians interested in the impact of publicly-accessible scientific tools & resources, open access publishing in the sciences, and open data/notebook efforts. The hash tag for the conference is #opensciny
Organized by a group of science librarians from New York University, Brooklyn College (CUNY), and Columbia University, OpenSciNY is a free, one-day conference to be held from 9:30am-6pm on Friday, May 14, 2010, at NYU’s Bobst Library, situated in Greenwich Village in New York City, NY. All interested science faculty, students, and librarians are welcome to attend.
The conference includes a series of presentations followed by informal roundtable discussions, during which speakers and participants will discuss a broad range of issues related to Open Science, including:
* the transformative impact of open access on traditional forms of publishing in the sciences;
* the personal, professional, and greater societal issues regarding the provision of public access to science monographs, articles, data, lab notebooks, and research wikis/blogs;
*the implications of the development and use of freely available science tools/resources;
* tenure and promotion in an era of openness.
Bringing together a diverse group of speakers (including scientists, software developers, librarians, and academics) the conference is designed to explore how increased openness in science communication affects day-to-day research activities, publishing, academic policy and copyright, as well as the world at large.
April 20th, 2010LISWire
April 21st, 2010
Nathan Curulla
(888) 900-8944
Taft College Partners with ByWater Solutions for Koha Support and ImplementationByWater Solutions, an open source community supporter and official Koha support company, announced today that Taft College, of Taft, CA. has partnered with them for the installation and support of the community version of the Koha integrated library system.
David Berry, Library Director of Taft College, commented on their decision to switch to Koha supported by ByWater Solutions;
"Having reviewed a variety of different systems, we felt that Koha would provide the greatest flexibility and ease of use for our patrons. ByWater Solutions offered the best fit for our needs and we look forward to a productive relationship with them in future."
Brendan Gallagher, CEO of ByWater stated; “We are overjoyed to have the opportunity to partner with Taft College for their Koha implementation. We are thrilled to see how the Koha community is growing and consider ourselves lucky to be part of that growth.”
The Taft College Library serves a population of 10,000 students and faculty, and is located in the western Kern County community of Taft with a population of 17,000.
About Taft College:
Taft College has been serving its community and students for over seventy-five years. This service has included the tradition of small classes, a focus on learning, strong interaction with faculty and staff, and access. Here students will find a college that engages learners as full partners in the learning process. Taft College's small classes provide the opportunity to work directly with an excellent faculty. Learners at Taft acquire the skills to succeed on their job, at transfer colleges, and in life. For more information about Taft College, please visit: www.taftcollege.eduAbout Koha:
Koha is the first open-source Integrated Library System (ILS). In use worldwide, its development is steered by a growing community of libraries collaborating to achieve their technology goals. Koha's impressive feature set continues to evolve and expand to meet the needs of its user base. It includes modules for circulation, cataloging, acquisitions, serials, reserves, patron management, branch relationships, and more.Koha’s OPAC, circ, management and self-checkout interfaces are all based on standards-compliant World Wide Web technologies--XHTML, CSS and Javascript--making Koha a truly platform-independent solution. Koha is distributed under the open-source General Public License (GPL). For more information about Koha, please visit
About ByWater Solutions:
With over 10 years of experience, ByWater Solutions offers customized hosting, data migration, configuration, installation, training, support options and development of enterprise class open-source library systems. Offering a 24/7 technical helpline, ByWater Solutions’ clients have the support system they need to make their software work for them. ByWater Solutions pledges to share 100% of all developed code to the Koha community for the strengthening and advancement of the Koha ILS. For more information about ByWater Solutions, please visit: www.bywatersolutions.com -