LISWire: EBSCO Publishing Brings Associated Press Images Collection to Library Customers
0May 31st, 2012LISWire~ Millions of Historical and Contemporary Images from the Associated Press to be Available via EBSCOhost® and EBSCO Discovery Service™ ~
IPSWICH, Mass. — May 31, 2012 — EBSCO Publishing (EBSCO) will make millions of images from the Associated Press (AP) available to library customers. EBSCO has been named the sole library distributor of the AP Images, the commercial photo unit of AP. It is one of the world’s largest collections of historical and contemporary imagery including more than twelve million photographs dating back more than 100 years.
AP Images Collection is a primary source database with millions of images from 1826 to present and more than 3,500 additional photographs are added daily. The collection also includes 36,400 audio sound bytes dating from the 1920s and more than 2,900 multimedia interactives. The multimedia interactives represent a compilation of integrated video, graphics and photos that bring the latest news and educational topics to life. In addition, AP Images Collection provides 2.7 million Associated Press news stories from 1997 to present, and a professionally produced collection of more than 340,000 maps, graphs, charts, logos, flags and illustrations.
The archive is currently available on AP Images.com but the eventual migration to EBSCOhost® will benefit customers accessing the content through EBSCOhost as well as EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS). AP Images Collection via EBSCOhost and EDS will provide a greater search experience for the end user with millions of images integrated into results.
Libraries using EBSCO Discovery Service that purchase AP Images Collection will add a rich database of images that will complement results from other image providers, as well as results from journals, magazines, newspapers, newswires, e-books, print books, conference proceedings, video and other sources types. EDS is by far the most comprehensive discovery service for magazine, journal and e-book searching, and this extensive collection from Associated Press, when teamed with other collections, means that EDS will also be the most comprehensive discovery service for images.
About EBSCO Publishing
EBSCO Publishing is the producer of EBSCOhost®, the world’s premier for-fee online research service, including full-text databases, subject indexes, point-of-care medical reference, historical digital archives, and e-books. The company provides more than 350 databases and nearly 300,000 e-books. Through a library of tens of thousands of full-text journals and magazines from renowned publishers, EBSCO serves the content needs of all researchers (Academic, Medical, K-12, Public Library, Corporate, Government, etc.). EBSCO is also the provider of EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS), which provides each institution with a fast, single search box for its entire collection, offering deeper indexing and more full-text searching of journals and magazines than any other discovery service (www.ebscohost.com/discovery). For more information, visit the EBSCO Publishing Web site at: www.ebscohost.com, or contact: information@ebscohost.com. EBSCO Publishing is a division of EBSCO Industries Inc., one of the largest privately held companies in the United States.###
For more information, please contact:
Kathleen McEvoy
Public Relations Director
(800) 653-2726 ext. 2594