May 21st, 2012LISWire
For Immediate Release
May 21, 2012Media Contacts: Christian Zabriskie 941.445.7114 and Lauren Comito 646.662.6209
Save NYC Libraries and Urban Librarians Unite Announce
A Book Seeding Campaign
New York, New York -- May 2012 -- Save NYC Libraries Campaign and Urban Librarians Unite announce a book seeding campaign. What happens with no libraries? Will New Yorkers’ only access to free books be the ones they can find on the street? For the third year in row, Mayor Bloomberg’s proposed budget contains such gigantic cuts that library services in New york City would be slashed with library closures, layoffs, and reduced hours. www.savenyclibraries.orgTo bring attention to these devastating cuts over 1500 free books will be distributed to the public this week, each bearing a sticker that reads “Libraries in NYC are facing a 32% budget cut. When libraries close this could be your only access to free books.” There is a QR code and a link to a petitions to save the three libraries on each book. These will be scattered around the city and left in places to be discovered, and taken, by the public.
Save NYC Libraries wants these books to seed awareness of the library services and remind New Yorkers that there are libraries everywhere in the city. They are meant to be a surprise, a chance reading opportunity. They are also a reminder of what is at stake.
New York City's three library systems serve 8 million residents from a combined 212 locations. Mayor Bloomberg's Executive Budget for FY'13 calls for a reduction in funding of $26.7 million for Queens Library, $26.9 million for Brooklyn Public Library, and $42.8 million for New York Public Library.
This 96.4 million in cuts is almost 32% of the total library budget. It would result in the closure of 46 libraries across the city, with hours drastically reduced in those left, to 2 or 3 days in Queens, and by about 50% in Brooklyn. This will drastically cut access to books and other services like computer classes and job search assistance that New Yorkers rely on.
For more information on the Book Seeding Campaign, please contact savenyclibraries@gmail.com
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