May 14th, 2012LISWire
Duluth, GA —May 14, 2012
Equinox Software is proud to announce a sponsorship for King County Library System Foundation’s annual Literary Lions Gala.
This year’s event welcomed over 500 guests and raised $208,000 to support literacy and lifelong learning programs. Bestselling author Lee Child served as key note speaker for the evening which also included a "State of the Library" report by Bill Ptacek and 11 sold out author salons.
"Equinox is rarely asked to sponsor events that directly impact literacy programs so it was a real honor for us to be able to help fund the Literary Lions Gala," said Grace Dunbar, Equinox Vice President. "We've enjoyed a great partnership with KCLS for many years and hope we have continued opportunities to give back to their libraries and their community."
About Equinox Software, Inc.
Founded by the original Evergreen designers and developers, Equinox Software is a leader in open source solutions for libraries. Their goal is to engage and support a rapidly growing open source community while assisting libraries in moving away from expensive proprietary vendors and products.
For more information on Equinox Software, please visit http://www.esilibrary.com.
Press contact: Corinne Hall, corinne@esilibrary.com, 770-709-5571
May 14th, 2012LISWire
Dallas, TX — Amigos Library Services announces that its members have voted to approve the merger of Amigos and the St. Louis-based Missouri Library Network Corporation (MLNC). The results of the vote were announced during the organization’s annual Amigos Member Business Meeting held May 9. The Amigos member vote follows a similar vote taken by MLNC members last month and paves the way for actions that will culminate in the formal uniting of the two organizations July 1, 2012. With the completion of the merger, the new organization – which will retain the Amigos name and maintain an additional facility in the St. Louis area – will become the largest library network west of the Mississippi River, comprised of libraries and cultural heritage institutions in 22 states.
“This is a special day for the members of both networks,” said Amigos President and Chief Executive Officer Bonnie Juergens. “We can now say ‘We are one’ as we roll up our sleeves and work together to meet the needs of both sets of members. I applaud the foresight of members of both Boards in creating this union.”
MLNC Executive Director Tracy Byerly said, “MLNC is energized by the positive vote from Amigos members! Providing new resource and service opportunities helps us meet our desired end result as we entered into merger negotiations – to best serve member libraries and fulfill our public purpose.”
About Amigos Library Services
We are one of the largest consortia of libraries and cultural heritage institutions in the United States. For more than 35 years, Amigos members have collaborated to obtain affordable services and shared library resources and knowledge. Through membership in Amigos, we collectively gain access to the latest innovations and services in the library community; pursue opportunities for continuing professional education; leverage our buying power; and preserve our rich cultural heritage. This collaboration strengthens each member’s ability to serve and lead its community in the creative and effective use of information resources.About Missouri Library Network Corporation
The mission of MLNC is to organize and deliver to its member libraries and other contracting entities electronic services and content, and provide training in the management and use of information. Founded in 1981 to serve the needs of Missouri libraries, MLNC has grown to serve the needs of over 300 members in the Midwest region. Known for excellent customer service, flexibility and solutions that save members time and money, MLNC has shown itself to be an agile organization in a changing world. Members utilize the many continuing education opportunities; turn to MLNC for help in implementing change; and have supported the organization’s move into association management services. ### -