February 5th, 2014LISWire
Cambridge, Mass. —February 5, 2014
Bibliomation and the Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative will host the sixth annual Evergreen International Conference at the Boston Marriott Cambridge March 19-22. David Weinberger is set to deliver the keynote address. Registration is now open and more information about the conference can be found online at http://evergreen-ils.org/conference/eg14/.
The four day conference will cover all things Evergreen including developer hackfests, educational sessions, and lightning talks. There will also be great opportunities for socializing with fellow Evergreen users at various social activities and dinning events at the local restaurants.
David Weinberger is a senior researcher at Harvard Law’s Berkman Center for the Internet & Society as well as Co-Director of the Harvard Library Innovation Lab at Harvard Law School. He is the author of “Small Pieces Loosely Joined: A Unified Theory of the Web,” “Everything Is Miscellaneous: The Power of the New Digital Disorder,” and “Too Big to Know: Rethinking Knowledge Now That the Facts are Facts, Experts are Everywhere, and the Smartest Person in the Room is the Room.” Weinberger also co-authored “The Cluetrain Manifesto” and has contributed articles to publications such as Wired, The Harvard Business Review, Scientific American, Foreign Policy, and TV Guide.Kathy Lussier, Project Coordinator for MassLNC, says, “Set against the technology hub of Cambridge, Massachusetts, this year's conference will feature a rich pool of talent from the Evergreen community. There will be something for everyone, including people who are just starting to learn about Evergreen, end users, and software developers.”
About Bibliomation
Established in 1980, Bibliomation is a member-driven, non-profit organization that provides for the technological and automation needs of 59 public libraries and 16 K-12 schools throughout Connecticut.
Bibliomation offers a wide array of information, telecommunications, and automation services for its member libraries. These services include Evergreen, the consortial-rich open source integrated library system
About MassLNC
The Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative is a collaborative project among three Massachusetts library consortia, C/W MARS, MVLC and NOBLE , that are running the Evergreen Integrated Library System. The three consortia share expertise and also collaborate on shared development opportunities for Evergreen.
About Evergreen
Evergreen is an award-winning ILS developed with the intent of providing an open source product able to meet the diverse needs of consortia and high transaction public libraries. However, it has proven to be equally successful in smaller installations including special and academic libraries. Today, almost 1200 libraries across the US and Canada are using Evergreen including NC Cardinal, SC Lends, and B.C Sitka.
For more information about Evergreen, including a list of all known Evergreen installations, see http://evergreen-ils.org. -