April 20th, 2013LISWire
For Immediate Release:
For information contact:
Rob Colding
Information Today, Inc.
(609) 654-6266, ext. 330April 19, 2013, Medford, New Jersey--Information Today, Inc. (ITI) announced the publication of Handbook of Indexing Techniques: A Guide for Beginning Indexers, Fifth Edition by Linda K. Fetters.
About the Book
The fifth edition of the Handbook of Indexing Techniques offers clear explanations of indexing techniques along with many helpful examples. In addition to its easy-to-follow "how-to" coverage, the book includes information about indexing seminars and training programs, professional organizations, and indexing standards. Chapter 8, "Electronic Documents," now includes coverage of embedded indexing, Cambridge University Press indexing, XML indexing, ebook indexing, web indexing, and taxonomies.Praise for Handbook of Indexing Techniques, Fifth Edition
"A clear and concise guide to the essentials of indexing ... the perfect choice for a novice indexer, authors desiring to index their own work, or document specialists needing to index their organizations' materials. If you are considering indexing as a career, this handbook will help you make up your mind."
—Frances S. Lennie, Indexing Research,
Theodore C. Hines Award Winner,
and 2X ASI President"I welcome this fifth edition! It's the most practical and straightforward guide to the process of composing index entries and compiling a working index."
—Kate Mertes, Mertes Editorial Services
"Beginning indexers will find a wealth of information in the Handbook of Indexing Techniques. Fetters provides good introductions to the variety of indexing methods and covers everything from cards to XML to folksonomies. Students will find the extensive bibliographies very helpful."
—Jan Wright,Wright Information
Indexing Services"Linda Fetters has written a book that covers indexing from the very beginning to the most sophisticated stages—it will help novices get started and then guide them to learn how to deal with embedded projects and ebooks. I have used this book and recommend that all indexers include it in their personal libraries."
—Enid Zafran, Indexing Partners
Linda K. Fetters has been a freelance indexer for more than 25 years, specializing mainly in bio-medical publications and computer manuals. Her book A Guide to Indexing Software, was a best-seller for the American Society for Indexing (ASI). Her articles on indexing and indexing software have appeared in Database, Key Words: Bulletin of the American Society for Indexing, The Indexer, Library Software Review, ONLINE, and Small Press magazine. She has served ASI in the positions of corresponding secretary, vice president, president (1992–1993), and administrator. She received ASI’s Theodore C. Hines Award for Continuous Dedication and Exceptional Service to ASI in 2001.
Handbook of Indexing Techniques: A Guide for Beginners, Fifth Edition (192 pp/paperback/$28.00/ISBN 978-1-57387-461-8) is published by Information Today, Inc. and is available wherever professional books and ebooks are sold. For more information, contact the publisher by calling (800) 300-9868; faxing (609) 654-4309; emailing custserv@infotoday.com; or visiting the ITI website at www.infotoday.com.