April 13th, 2011LISWire
Norcross, GA – April 13, 2011
Burlington Public Library, La Conner Public Library, and the Upper Skagit Library District have gone live on Evergreen as a newly formed consortium, Skagit Evergreen Libraries. Equinox Software performed installation, data migration, and staff training, and will continue to provide technical support.
Located in Skagit County, Washington, the Skagit Evergreen Libraries provide service to about 15,000 patrons. Their new combined catalog consists of almost 80,000 bibliographic items.
Burlington Public Library Director, Maggie Buckholz, reported, “I have to admit we were both eager and apprehensive about the data migration! But really it went remarkably smoothly. The Equinox crew was responsive and professional. I was also impressed at how easily the staff were able to perform basic circulation functions.”
The look and feel of each catalog was customized by Equinox, showcasing Evergreen's support for letting each member library of a shared database have their own branding. The catalogs can be accessed at the following URLs:Burlington: http://burlington.skagitcat.org/
La Conner: http://laconner.skagitcat.org/
Upper Skagit: http://upperskagit.skagitcat.org/
Brad LaJeunesse, CEO of Equinox Software, says, “It is always exciting to watch a new consortium come together. We have enjoyed working with the libraries during the migration process, and look forward to continuing our relationship with them as we provide technical support.”About Evergreen
Evergreen is a robust, open-source integrated library system best known for its unique ability to meet the needs of very large, high-transaction, multi-site consortia. However, it has also proven equally successful for even the smallest libraries.
Since its debut in September 2006, the software has sustained the 280-plus libraries of the Georgia PINES consortium. Evergreen has earned acclaim and praise from users worldwide, including a Technology Collaboration Award from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Evergreen now supports nearly 800 libraries of every type: public, academic, special, and school media centers. Evergreen’s rapidly expanding community includes libraries across four countries including 18 U.S. states and eight Canadian provinces.
For more information about Evergreen, including a list of all known Evergreen installations, see http://evergreen-ils.org.About Equinox Software, Inc.
Founded by the original Evergreen designers and developers, Equinox Software is a growing team of skilled professionals who provide services for Evergreen and Koha. These services include software development, consulting, legacy data migration, 24x7 technical support, and system hosting. Equinox also engages and supports a rapidly expanding open source community.For more information on Equinox Software, please visit http://www.esilibrary.com.
Press contact: Corinne Hall, corinne@esilibrary.com, 770-709-5571
Evergreen and Koha are open source software, freely licensed under the GNU GPL. Evergreen and the Evergreen logo are trademarks of the Georgia Public Library Service. -
April 13th, 2011LISWire
Business Expert Press is currently offering free trials of our digital library, made up of applied, concise books for business students. I hope you'll take a look the information below and consider doing a trial of the library. It's a great way to add a lot of books to your online collection for a one time cost, and these books can provide free textbooks to students, as well as be used for independent research.
To give you some background, we are a three-year old business publisher founded specifically to provide e-books to libraries. We focus on applied, concise books for upper-level business students below the level of Ph.D. We believe this is a large but somewhat under served audience in terms of library resources as most library content, databases, research monographs, and journals, are aimed at faculty and Ph.D. candidates.
Business Expert Press offers 2 collections of books- a set of 50 in the 2010 collection and 60 in the 2011 one- and all are available as an e-library for schools. Our books are managed in collections by top scholars as collection editors and are offerings are fresh, timely and authoritative. Our books serve as excellent research/reference tools for students and often serve as course reading material for faculty.
Because we built our company on selling e-books to libraries we listened to librarians and as such we offer our Digital Libraries as yearly purchases that are offered as a one-time purchase with no ongoing subscription fee - you pay once and you own it forever. This means that you gain unrestricted access to these texts, delivered as PDFs that can be printed, downloaded, or read simultaneously online. Additionally, we of course include MARC records, as well as copious metadata for each book.
Here is a link to our demo site where you can review our e-books http://site.ebrary.com/lib/geptitles/home.action. I suggest you type "Business Expert Press" into the simple search box and then browse our titles for a book of interest to you.
Here is a link to our website where you can see a full list of books in each year's Digital Library offering: http://www.businessexpertpress.com/librarians
I have also attached a brochure that summarizes everything we discussed about our Digital Libraries.
In summation, we are unique because:
-We offer applied, concise, academically-reliable books for upper-level business students below the level of Ph.D. - the other 99% of library patrons!
-Our annual Digital Library features front-list books edited by our collection editors who are all leaders in their fields.
-We do not restrict usage. We deliver a PDF that can be printed, downloaded and simultaneously accessed by an unlimited number of students.
-We sell our e-book collection as a one-time purchase, perpetually owned by the library.
-We include MARC records and each book is built with rich metadata in mind to aid discovery: keywords, abstracts, deep bibliographiesI hope you will consider doing a free 90 day trial of our Digital Libraries. If you are interested, or have any questions at all, please send me an email at molly.hurford@businessexpertpress.com.
Molly Hurford
Assistant Editor
Business Expert Press908-752-1257