April 8th, 2011LISWire
Bethesda, MD - April 8, 2011 – Students at the University of Washington’s, Information School, will begin utilizing LibLime Koha this spring, in their Library Technology Systems course through LibLime's Koha with Class program.
LibLime will provide the class of approximately 20 students, with a hosted installation of Koha, free of charge. This will allow the students unlimited access and all privileges associated with the staff end of Koha as well as all OPAC functionality for the duration of the course.
“I came to your website ready to search for a contact I could bargain and plead with, to allow me to use a Koha Express instance in my class this spring. Imagine my surprise when I found that you had already thought of this, and put the infrastructure together for it, five years ago,” commented course instructor, Doug Erikson.
LibLime's Koha with Class program is designed to give library school faculty a chance to embed the use of an ILS into their coursework and curricula. Students gain practical experience with library automation software as they prepare to enter the library workforce. LibLime provides free support for these Koha with Class installations, and already there are dozens of faculty members throughout North America taking advantage of this program. LibLime is looking to expand the program overseas to support librarianship at an international level.
“I think this is a fabulous idea, and I very much hope that you are seeing a great payback as new professionals enter the field bringing with them a willingness to explore open-source and hosted solutions for library systems needs,” Erikson finished.
To learn more about the program visit the Koha with Class page on liblime.com
April 8th, 2011LISWire
Susan Buchanan Appointed Director of Global Marketing and Sales for LibLime
Bethesda, MD - April 7, 2011 - LibLime, a division of PTFS is proud to introduce Susan Buchanan as their new Director of Marketing and Sales.
Susan brings years of library experience, specifically in leveraging technology to support the business of libraries. Her most recent assignments prior to LibLime, include; establishing the preliminary growth of Ex Libris in North America (primarily in the Western US); Western Regional Sales Director for Endeavor Information Systems, and more recently as Regional Vice President of Sales, and Vice President of Strategic Accounts for SirsiDynix.
“We’re delighted to now have Susan heading the Sales and Marketing efforts for LibLime,” said John Yokley, CEO, and President of PTFS. Mr. Yokley continued, “Susan’s sales expertise has been an integral component to the success of the LibLime division thus far and marketing tools as SearchUp online really help us with this purpose of achieving success.
Susan joined PTFS in March of 2010 as part of the LibLime acquisition. While seamlessly integrating LibLime with PTFS, Susan continued to support existing customers, while aggressively growing LibLime market share. Susan was quickly identified not only as a recognized expert in the library solutions arena, but established herself as a very dedicated staff member who supported the transition with both internal and external stakeholders.
“Susan’s experience and customer-focused record will be instrumental in meeting LibLime customers’ needs, communicating the vision for library services and continuing to elevate the high level of support the library community has come to expect.” concluded Mr. Yokley.