February 12th, 2009LISWire
Contact: Justine Shaffner, Plinkit Collaborative Coordinator
jshaffner@bcr.org ; 800.397.1552 x140February 12, 2009 - Plinkit, a multi-state collaborative that uses an uncomplicated template-based web site creation toolkit, is delighted to announce it has added a ninth organization as a member. The Library of Michigan has joined Colorado, Illinois, Oregon and Texas, in addition to recent members such as the Library of Virginia, INCOLSA, PALINET and NEBASE. Plinkit provides libraries with a tool to deliver web resources and services, including features such as catalog and database access points, a calendar of events, RSS feeds, library news, ROI calculators and much more (see http://www.plinkit.org/about/plinkit-features.html ).
The Plinkit system is built using Plone, an open-source content management system. Pages are created and edited right through the web, using built-in text editors, image galleries and other powerful features that make it easy for library staff to keep their content current. Jim Duncan, the chair of the Plinkit Collaborative Steering Committee says, “Even small libraries with limited funding and staff can maintain a professional looking web site that serves their customers 24/7 with online library resources.” This versatile platform can even deliver videos or slideshows.
Plinkit was a co-recipient of the 2008 ASCLA Leadership and Professional Achievement Award at ALA in Anaheim this year where it was recognized as an innovative, multi-state technology project with significant impact on libraries and communities across a broad section of America. The PLINKIT Collaborative is a pioneering initiative as it is the first collaborative technology project of its kind among state library and regional agencies.
According to State Librarian Nancy R. Robertson, Plinkit is right in line with the Library of Michigan's goal of using Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) dollars to help local libraries statewide deliver the best in library service to Michigan residents.
"We're very excited about the technological opportunities Plinkit will make available to Michigan libraries, especially those libraries who currently don't have Web sites or those whose sites aren't as feature-rich as they could be," Robertson explained. "Plinkit puts accessible, user-friendly Web sites with advanced features within easy reach of all Michigan libraries. Having a comprehensive, easy-to-navigate Web presence is essential for today's libraries in terms of meeting customers' information needs and in showcasing the libraries' contributions to the communities they serve."
Created in Oregon in 2006, the mission of the Plinkit Collaborative is to pool funds for cost effectively sustaining shared web site software development, training, documentation, and marketing activities. For more information, visit www.Plinkit.org or email jshaffner@bcr.org