March 30th, 2016Uncategorized
North Bethesda, MD, March 29, 2016 - LibLime, a division of PTFS, will be exhibiting at the PLA 2016 Conference in Denver from April 6th through April 8th. All conference attendees are encouraged to visit LibLime at booth #505 to see a presentation of Bibliovation 3.0.
LibLime will be presenting Bibliovation 3.0, their latest Library Services Platform (LSP) offering. Bibliovation provides traditional bibliographic management services along with digital content management services, so that libraries can maintain print and digital collections in a single system. Bibliovation includes:
- A cataloging editor with MARC21 validation and the option to embed local cataloging guidelines; with support for MARC Authority records, MARC Bibliographic records, and MARC Holdings records
- EDI-compliant acquisitions
- Asynchronous reporting module
- Support for RDA and GeoMARC
- Digital object import with full-text search & retrieval
- An expanded messaging package for patron Discovery Layer interaction covering purchase requests, ILL requests, call slip requests, general library messages, digital object ingest, and holds
- Discovery Layer support for the EBSCO EDS API
- Discovery Layer visual search using ESRI and Google Maps interfaces
To find out more about Bibliovation 3.0, email BibliovationInfo@liblime.com to request a presentation, or visit LibLime at Booth #505 at the PLA Exhibits at the Colorado Convention Center.
About LibLime - PTFS
LibLime, a division of PTFS, is the global leader in providing support for open development Library Service Platforms (LSP). Rather than sell software licenses for static, hard-to-customize software products, LibLime educates libraries about the benefits of open development, enabling them to make choices about how best to provide their communities and staff with better technology services. LibLime then facilitates deployment of the LSP in libraries by providing outstanding consulting, development, implementation, and support/hosting services. PTFS is also the developer of the world’s leading content management software, Knowvation, and specializes in meeting library personnel staffing requirements, digitization and metadata keying services. For more information, see http://liblime.com or http://ptfs.com.Technologies:Tags:Organization Type:Company Name:Topics: -