LISWire: Amigos Library Services offers Online Conference
0September 2nd, 2009LISWireDALLAS, Texas, September 2 – Amigos Library Services, Inc. will present an online conference “Going Green @ Your Library –Lean, Green, Clean Ideas” on October 7. The online conference will address a variety of “green” issues from LEED certification to practical, low cost/no cost suggestions for library and IT operations.
“This is the first of many online conferences to come from Amigos. Online conferences are green, so this is a perfect kickoff,” says Laura Kimberly, Amigos Continuing Education Services Manager. “This conference will be a great opportunity not only for Amigos members, but librarians far and wide to interact with each other and experts on this important trend.”
Keynote speaker, Florence Mason, will kick off the conference with her talk “Going Green” Successfully. She brings her many years of expertise with libraries, government organizations, and corporations on library building issues, library long range planning, library training, and other issues related to the management of library and information services.
Mason says, “Public library buildings have long represented civic pride and civic ideals in the same manner that academic libraries have been the academic “heart” of many campuses. She adds, “Now at a time when energy conservation and sustainability have become desired social imperatives, librarians are exercising leadership to transform library buildings as important models of green and sustainable practices in communities and on campuses nationwide.”
For more information and to sign up for the conference, visit http://greenlibs.amigos.org/
About Amigos Library Services, Inc.
A not-for-profit, membership-based organization, Amigos Library Services (www.amigos.org) is one of the largest library service networks in the nation, consisting of over 750 libraries and cultural heritage institutions, located primarily in the southwestern United States. Amigos members utilize a comprehensive array of services including cataloging and resource sharing, electronic information resources, preservation and digital imaging, consulting, and training.