September 10th, 2009LISWire
San Francisco, CA - September 10, 2009Responding to the increasing use of virtual reference services amongst patrons and the massive industry-wide adoption of social media as a must-have presence for libraries, Mosio launches RefStart: A dynamic, web-based mobile reference utility to help manage virtual reference, social media and online search.
RefStart gives librarians customizable one-click access to reference tools, search engines, web 2.0 sites and popular social networks, providing a single starting place to answer patron inquiries. The application provides easy access to a single web page to manage Facebook and Twitter, search Google, Wolfram|Alpha, World of Congress and Librarian’s Internet Index, launch instant messenger services and receive alerts of new Text a Librarian questions.
As a standard feature of Text a Librarian, RefStart helps increase productivity and makes reference easier. Visit http://www.textalibrarian.com/mobileref/ for more info.
About Mosio's Text a Librarian
Accessible by over 250 million U.S. phones, Text a Librarian is an easy, organized and efficient text message reference service that enables libraries to engage with patrons on their mobile devices. Text a Librarian's web-based interface includes a suite of features that increase workflow efficiencies while maintaining patron privacy. Text a Librarian was developed specifically for libraries and is now the fastest growing SMS reference service technology in the library industry. http://www.textalibrarian.com