September 29th, 2021Uncategorized
Atlanta, Ga., September 28, 2021: Equinox Open Library Initiative, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and a trusted leader in providing open source technology services for libraries is proud to support the 2021 Missouri Library Association Annual Conference in St. Louis, Missouri. The conference will take place from September 29 through September 30, 2021. Full conference details can be found on the conference website: http://molib.org/conference/2021-mla-conference/
Equinox provides hosting and support for the Missouri Evergreen Consortium, a growing resource-sharing consortium founded in 2012 to create an integrated library system for libraries in Missouri. Equinox has been supporting the consortium and its 55 systems, encompassing 141 libraries, since 2019. The Missouri Evergreen Consortium is hosting two events for community members, both on Wednesday, September 29th: the Evergreen Members Conference for Missouri Evergreen Library Users and the Missouri Evergreen Open Forum, providing an opportunity to learn more about how the “Missouri Evergreen Consortium brings together Missouri public libraries to strengthen and promote excellent library services to our member libraries and Missouri citizens.” For more information about the consortium visit: http://moevergreenlibraries.org/
“We are proud to support the Missouri Library Association, librarians, staff, and the Missouri Evergreen Consortium as you are ‘Charting the Future Together’ at the MLA Annual Conference in St. Louis,” said Lisa Carlucci, Executive Director, Equinox Open Library Initiative. “Equinox believes that an active open source community is part of that future and we appreciate the opportunity to serve Missouri Libraries.”
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For more information:
Laura Barry
Communications Coordinator
Equinox Open Library Initiative, Inc.
877.OPEN.ILS (877.673.6457)About Equinox Open Library Initiative
Equinox Open Library Initiative is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and is the successor to Equinox Software, Inc. Equinox's mission as a nonprofit is to promote and support a thriving ecosystem for open source library communities in order to provide libraries worldwide with innovative, affordable, and sustainable open source solutions. We are devoted to reducing barriers to library technology and services, expanding library access to open source software, and providing high quality technology, consulting, and support services. To learn more, please visit https://www.equinoxOLI.org.###
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