June 24th, 2018Uncategorized
South Central Library System Selects Bibliovation
North Bethesda, MD, June 22, 2018 - LibLime, a Division of PTFS, has been selected by South Central Library System (SCLS) as the winning vendor to implement the Bibliovation Library Services Platform after a lengthy and competitive review of industry LSP’s. LibLime responded to SCLS’s technical requirements with a comprehensive functional response, on-site demonstration and a compelling cost proposal which has resulted in a contract award. LibLime will provide development, migration and continued support services to SCLS. LibLime and PTFS specialists will work closely with SLCS staff to continue to upgrade their current LibLime system.About Bibliovation
The Bibliovation LSP provides an extensible, web based platform from which libraries can manage both traditional bibliographic materials along with digital content, all in a single platform. Supporting a flexible ‘Green Holds” queue, MARC21, RDA and geotagging, Bibliovation offers a Rest API-based Discovery Layer integrated with the EDS API providing the end user the ability to search both catalog and databases at the same time. Bibliovation includes an EDI-compliant acquisitions component; a completely MARC-based cataloging editor for bibliographic, holdings and authority records; and full patron empowerment for purchase requests, ILL requests and reference requests from the Discovery Layer. Bibliovation is completely web-based and is hosted in a FedRAMP-compliant cloud facility. The latest release of Bibliovation, which came out in April, includes a variety of new features such as OCR upon ingest, batch edit of bibliographic records, ‘object-only’ displays in the Discovery Layer, a new reporting module, and notification enhancements.About South Central Library System
The South Central Library System is a consortium of 54 member libraries that works to provide the best possible service to the public. SCLS assists its member libraries with sharing materials, providing members with guidance and direction in technology solutions, and supplying them with the training and expertise to cope with constantly changing technologies and demands for service. SCLS, with over 10 million circulation transactions per year, is a sponsor of many key features that have allowed LibLime software to be a feature-rich and innovative ILS solution. SCLS is an active leader within the LibLime User Group and works to help all LibLime customers benefit from their innovative ideas and services.About LibLime-PTFS
LibLime, a division of PTFS, is the global leader in providing support for open development Library Service Platforms (LSP). Rather than sell software licenses for static, hard-to-customize software products, LibLime educates libraries about the benefits of open development, enabling them to make choices about how best to provide their communities and staff with better technology services. LibLime then facilitates deployment of the LSP by providing outstanding consulting, development, implementation and support/hosting services. PTFS is also the developer of the world’s leading content management software, Knowvation, and specializes in meeting library personnel staffing requirements, digitization and metadata keying services. For more information, see http://liblime.com or http://ptfs.com.Technologies:Organization Type:Company Name:Intended Audience:Topics: -