September 24th, 2012LISWire
For Immediate Release
Contact: Rob Colding
Information Today, Inc.
(609) 654-6266, ext. 330
rcolding@infotoday.comSeptember 25, 2012, Medford, NJ—Information Today, Inc. (ITI) announced the publication of Face2Face: Using Facebook, Twitter, and Other Social Media Tools to Create Great Customer Connections by David Lee King.
In Face2Face, David Lee King presents a practical guide for any organization that aspires to create deep, direct, and rewarding relationships with their customers. King goes beyond the world of Facebook and Twitter, and effectively demonstrates the use a broader range of web tools, such as blogs, videos, photos, location services, and more.
“Today, the average business or organization has yet to embrace emerging social tools and many haven’t even started. Yes, they do have websites, but the content is mostly about the organization itself—there are no face2face connections taking place between customers and the organization, says King in the book’s introduction.” Do they use social tools like Facebook or Twitter? Rarely. If they are using these tools, they are using them primarily as a one-way broadcast medium, not as a way to connect with customers and deepen customer relationships.”
“Face2Face is a solid primer for businesses looking to be more social,” says Patrick O’Keefe, author of Managing Online Forums. “Following King’s advice will lead to increased business and greater customer loyalty.” King acknowledges that not all organizations can hire experts to connect with customers online. With that in mind, he uses simple, real world examples to illustrate the do’s and don’ts of responding to criticism, and explains why and how listening, tone and human-centered design, and measuring results are all critical components of any customer engagement strategy—without overwhelming the reader.
In addition to practical and mostly free tools recommended by the author, Face2Face features tips on how to measure your success, being authentic online, how to make your blog human, an appendix of referenced website and social media services, and an index. The author’s companion blog (davidleeking.com/face2face) is designed to keep readers up-to-date on the latest trends and new social media developments.
Praise for Face2Face:
“Face2Face is the perfect book to help an organization become part of and stay aware of the conversations happening about them online. David Lee King lays out both tools and strategies that can be used immediately to start having better conversations with your customers.”
—Jason Griffey, author,
Mobile Technology and Libraries“David Lee King shares the key tips for creating the community connections that make the mod-ern socially networked organization successful.”
—Joe Murphy, www.joemurphylibraryfuture.com
“Need to know how to be authentic online? Want to interact with the public smartly, safely, and successfully? This book is going to be vital to your social media success.”
—Kathy Dempsey, marketing
consultant, Libraries Are EssentialAbout The Author
David Lee King is the digital services director at the Topeka & Shawnee County (Kansas) Public Library, where he plans, implements, and experiments with emerging technology trends. He has spoken at information industry events internationally about emerging tech trends, website usability and management, digital experience design and planning, and managing tech staff. He has been published in numerous library industry journals and, with Michael Porter, writes the “Outside/In” column in American Libraries magazine. David is the chair of the board of directors for the Information Network of Kansas, and Library Journal named David a “Mover & Shaker” for 2008.Face2Face: Using Facebook, Twitter, and Other Social Media Tools to Create Great Customer Connections (216pp/softbound/$24.95/ISBN 978-0-910965-99-6) is a CyberAge book published by Information Today, Inc. (ITI). It is available wherever books and ebooks are sold through Independent Publishers Group (IPG), www.ipgbook.com. For more information or to order call (800) 300-9868 [outside U.S. call (609) 654-6266]; fax (609) 654-4309; email custserv@infotoday.com; or visit the ITI website at www.infotoday.com.
September 21st, 2012LISWire
North Bethesda, MD, September 21, 2012. The Atkinson Public Library, located in Atkinson, NE, has joined the Pioneer Consortium and is now live on LibLime Koha for all collection and patron management services.
The Atkinson Public Library staff worked with LibLime Project Managers to migrate bibliographic, item, and patron data from their legacy Follett ILS system. In addition to access to the LibLime Koha union catalog, Atkinson Public Library is a part of the NebraskAccess online electronic database with free online access to thousands of full-text magazine, journal, and newspaper articles, biographical and business information, genealogical resources, and more.
About the Pioneer Consortium
The Pioneer Consortium continues to expand the number of members that share the LibLime Koha union catalog. The successes of the early members of the consortium are noticed by more and more libraries around the state and the consortium membership continues to grow. One of the main attractions is access to the LibLime Koha union catalog.About LibLime - PTFS
LibLime – PTFS is the global leader in providing support for the Koha open source ILS. Rather than sell software licenses for static, hard-to-customize software products, the PTFS LibLime Division educates libraries about the benefits of open source, enabling them to make choices about how best to provide their communities and staff with better technology services. The PTFS LibLime Division then facilitates deployment of Koha in libraries by providing outstanding consulting, development, implementation, and support/hosting for libraries of all types and sizes. PTFS is also the developer of the world’s leading content management software, ArchivalWare, and specializes in meeting library personnel staffing requirements, digitization, and metadata keying services. For more information, see http://liblime.com or http://ptfs.com or http://archivalware.net. -
September 20th, 2012LISWire
For Immediate Release
Contact: Joe Menendez
Information Today, Inc.
(609) 654-6266, ext. 331Information Today, Inc., the leading provider of publications, conferences, and other information services to the information professional community, today announced a special issue of The Information Advisor (IA) newsletter. The special issue will focus on what librarians and business researchers need to know concerning the topic of Big Data. Founded in 1987, IA is a monthly journal for business information professionals.
According to Robert Berkman, IA editor, “Big data has become a big buzzword.” But, Berkman adds, “It has not been clear what it means for an organization’s information and content experts—the information professional. What we’ve done is identify what the real opportunities are as well as the risks. “
The special issue explores how it is now possible for new patterns of data to be surfaced on sites ranging from LinkedIn to Yelp, providing to new insights for researchers. Berkman says there are cautions, however. “There may be a temptation to make research synonymous with quantification and numbers.” He also notes that it is “one of the obligations of information professionals to demonstrate to their organization how and where there still remain noncomputational methods for understanding information and data.”
Dick Kaser, VP of content for Information Today, Inc., says, “As Big Data has become an increasingly important part of the information and research landscape, information professionals need to know how it impacts their research and their organization’s use of information. This special issue is one way Information Today, Inc. will be responding to this need.”
Key sections of the special issue include segments on defining the concept of Big Data; where to find collections of Big Data; broad concerns and ethics; impact on business research; and how Big Data may change the profession. There is also an interview with Erin Bartolo, the data science program manager for the iSchool at Syracuse University, which has launched a certificate program in this area.
This special Information Advisor is the September 2012 issue and Information Today, Inc. is making it available free of charge to anyone who would like a PDF version. For your free copy link to http://www.informationadvisor.com/ or contact jmenendez@infotoday.com.
Information Today, Inc. (ITI) is a leading publisher and conference organizer in the information and knowledge management industries.
September 18th, 2012LISWire
Duluth, GA — September 18, 2012
North Central Michigan College has gone live on Koha just in time to welcome back students for the fall semester. Equinox Software oversaw data
migration and training services. ESI will also host the servers for the new system and provide ongoing technical support.
NCMC is located in Petoskey, Michigan and currently has an enrollment of 3,000 students. The library houses 34,400 bibliographic titles and supports
the academic programs of the school and community.
According to Brad LaJeunesse, Equinox President, "Academic libraries are turning more and more to open source products not just for the cost savings
but for the increased flexibility and added benefit to their students. We have enjoyed working with North Central Michigan College and look forward to
continuing to assist them with supporting their installation."
"We look forward to showcasing our library collection using Koha, and to be able to take advantage of an open source ILS that can be tailored to meet
our specific needs. The Equinox staff has worked with us to help us feel confident that we are not only enhancing the patron user experience, but that of
our staff," says NCMC Librarian, Eunice Teel.
About Koha
Created in 1999 by Katipo Communications for the Horowhenua Library Trust in New Zealand, Koha is the first open source Integrated Library System to
be used worldwide. The software is a full-featured ILS with a dual-database design (search engine and RDBMS) built to be compliant with library
standards. Koha’s OPAC, staff, and self-checkout interfaces are all web applications. Distributed under the General Public License (GPL), libraries are
free to use and install Koha themselves or to purchase support and development service. For more information on Koha, please visit http://koha-community.org.
About Equinox Software, Inc.
Founded in 2007 by the original Evergreen developers, Equinox remains deeply committed to being an active and enthusiastic voice in the open source
community. Equinox's unparalleled depth of knowledge regarding libraries and library data is reflected in our services which include implementation,
development, support, hosting, and educational services for both Evergreen and Koha software. For more information on Equinox Software, please visit http://www.esilibrary.com
Press contact: Corinne Hall, corinne@esilibrary.com, 770-709-5571
September 18th, 2012LISWire
Leiden (NL) / Boston (MA) – 18 September 2012
Brill and Semantico are pleased to announce a major new collaboration for the design and engineering of a new platform for Brill’s primary source collections. The expected delivery date for the platform is early 2013.
Following a pitch in June 2012, Brill has chosen Semantico to design and engineer the new platform for Brill’s primary source collections. This new platform will consist of thematic collections holding unique materials such as rare books and documents from around the world. These essential research tools in the area of humanities and social sciences are an integrated part of Brill’s product portfolio.
By choosing Semantico, Brill’s new primary sources platform will offer an enhanced user experience to researchers, librarians and scholars. The platform will focus on delivering smooth and fast access to over six million high resolution scans of documents, research data, models, algorithms, and illustrative images. Widely distributed metadata will point researchers to relevant documents and on-site browsing will be free. The new platform has wider advantages for scholars as it combines primary sources with Brill’s secondary publications. This opens up a new world of possibilities as users will be able to search across the other Brill platforms: BrillOnline Books and Journals (booksandjournals.brillonline.com) and BrillOnline Reference Works (referenceworks.brillonline.com).
Semantico will build the site using their newly launched Scolaris and industry-respected Semantico Access Management System (SAMS). Scolaris is the next generation integrated content platform, engineered to manage the complexities of journals, reference works and dictionaries. Scolaris promotes discoverability by providing intelligent, full-text search powered by Solr and allows rich taxonomy support for faceted search and browse.
The platform will link Scolaris with SAMS to create greater subscription opportunities for Brill. SAMS is the most widely used access management system in its class and will be used by Brill to offer different levels of subscriptions to allow a broader range of customers to discover and engage with Brill content.
Dr Perry Moree, Executive Vice-President Finance & Operations at Brill said: “Brill Research Collections will be designed with discoverability and user experience at the forefront. Using the latest technologies, like Scolaris, means that search results are delivered at lightning speed in a logical and intuitive way giving customers the information they need quickly and accurately.”
Richard Padley, Managing Director, Semantico commented:“We're excited to be working on another high profile Brill project and to be using Scolaris to power Brill Research Collections. Brill chose us because of the great work we've been doing for them since 2005 and successful delivery of the recent BrillOnline Reference Works project has greatly helped their perception of us too."
For more information on this media alert, please contact Albert Schoenmaker (schoenmaker@brill.com), Senior Editor Online Resources.
About Brill (brill.com)
Founded in 1683 in Leiden, the Netherlands, BRILL is a leading international academic publisher in the fields of Ancient Near East and Egypt, Middle East and Islamic Studies, Asian Studies, Classical Studies, Medieval and Early Modern Studies, contemporary History and History of War studies, Biblical and Religious Studies, Slavic Studies, Language & Linguistics, Biology, Human Rights and Public International Law. With offices in Leiden and Boston, BRILL today publishes more than 175 journals and around 600 new books and reference works each year. All publications are available in both print and electronic form. BRILL also markets a large number of research collections and databases with primary source material. The company’s key customers are academic and research institutions, libraries, and scholars. BRILL is a publicly traded company and is listed on Euronext Amsterdam NV. For further information please visit www.brill.com.About Semantico
We are an innovative and market-leading digital publishing solutions company focused on helping publishers protect and grow the value of their content assets online. Aligning ourselves with the client's brand and business objectives, we operate as a strategic partner, providing a range of services and technologies including consultancy, publishing platform design and build, e-book system development, digital marketing, access management, support and hosting.Many of the world's leading publishers and information providers have benefited from Semantico's e-publishing expertise, including Brill, Palgrave Macmillan, Oxford University Press, Wiley, Nature Publishing Group, Springer, Macmillan Education and Dawson Books. We work across a wide range of publishing industry sectors, including Reference/Academic; STM; Education; Trade, Legal, Tax & Regulatory; Associations & Institutes, and Publishing Intermediaries.
For more information about Semantico visit www.semantico.com
Press contact: Clare Wratten
Tel: +44 1273 358 219
Email: clare.wratten@semantico.com