LISWire: St. Catherine University (Minnesota) Joins LibLime’s Koha with Class Program
0August 30th, 2012LISWireNorth Bethesda, MD – August 30, 2012 – Students in Dr. David Lesniaski’s Organization of Knowledge course in St. Catherine University’s Master of Library and Information Science program will begin utilizing LibLime Academic Koha 5.0 this fall through LibLime's Koha with Class program.
LibLime will provide the class of approximately 20 students with a hosted installation of LibLime Academic Koha 5.0, free of charge. This will allow the students unlimited access and all privileges associated with the staff end of LibLime Academic Koha 5.0 as well as all OPAC functionality for the duration of the course. With the support for authority control and RDA, Dr. Lesniaski will be able to give his students a deep understanding of hands-on cataloging in an integrated library system.
Dr. Lesniaski, Associate Professor in the St. Catherine’s Master of Library and Information Science program, says “I have been using Koha for classes in cataloging, collection development and systems from version 2 on. I find that especially for detailed work like cataloging it really helps students if they get a chance to practice and to practice in a real online system. I'm hoping that the hosted version will help … so we can concentrate more of our energies on Koha as a really useful teaching tool. There really is nothing else like Koha out there; even many commercially available services come nowhere near the power and flexibility Koha offers us as an instructional tool.”
About LibLime’s Koha with Class Program
LibLime's Koha with Class program is designed to give library school faculty a chance to embed the use of an ILS into their coursework and curricula. This allows students to gain practical experience with library automation software as they prepare to enter the library workforce. Many faculty members around the world are taking advantage of the free support that LibLime provides with the Koha with Class installations. LibLime is striving to expand the program overseas to support librarianship at an international level. To learn more about the program or to get involved please visit: http://www.liblime.com/we-give-back.About LibLime - PTFS
LibLime – PTFS is the global leader in providing support for the Koha open source ILS. Rather than sell software licenses for static, hard-to-customize software products, the PTFS LibLime Division educates libraries about the benefits of open source, enabling them to make choices about how best to provide their communities and staff with better technology services. The PTFS LibLime Division then facilitates deployment of Koha in libraries by providing outstanding consulting, development, implementation, and support/hosting for libraries of all types and sizes. PTFS is also the developer of the world’s leading content management software, ArchivalWare, and specializes in meeting library personnel staffing requirements, digitization, and metadata keying services. For more information, see http://liblime.com or http://ptfs.com or http://archivalware.net.