April 30th, 2012LISWire
EBSCO helps four emerging health sciences information professionals attend the MLA Annual Meeting
Birmingham, Ala. — April 30, 2012 — The Medical Library Association (MLA) has awarded grants sponsored by EBSCO to four librarians to assist with travel and conference-related expenses to attend the MLA Annual Meeting in Seattle, May 18–23, 2012. The awards of $1,000 each are presented annually to librarians who are early in their careers and currently employed in a health sciences library.
This year’s recipients are:
• Aleta C. Embrey, Association of Women’s Health, Obstetrics, and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN), Washington, D.C.
• Aleshia C. Heckel, Herman M. Baker, MD Memorial Library, St. Mary’s Medical Center, Evansville, Ind.
• Alisha H. Miles, Simon Schwob Medical Library, Columbus Regional Healthcare System, Columbus, Ga.
• Jennifer S. Walker, Laupus Library, East Carolina University, Greenville, N.C.These librarians will be recognized at an awards luncheon that will be held on May 21, 2012, during the MLA Annual Meeting. They will join more than 2,000 fellow health information professionals at this year’s meeting, which provides an opportunity for health sciences librarians to present and discuss paper, posters, applied research, and important issues related to health sciences information management.
To be considered for the award, applicants must be currently employed in a health sciences library and have two to five years of experience. Each candidate must complete an application form and write a short essay answering the question: “What do you expect to gain professionally and/or personally by attending the MLA Annual Meeting?”
Essays are judged by five MLA members, all of whom are appointed by the president of MLA. This year’s jury was chaired by Pamela Sherwill-Navarro, Remington College of Nursing, Lake Mary, Fla., and included Janice Cox, Indiana University School of Dentistry Library, Indianapolis; Beth Hill, South Puget Sound Community College, Olympia, Wash.; Katherine Rickett, Laupus Health Sciences Library, East Carolina University, Greenville, N.C.; Jean Siebert, Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WVa.; Michelle L. Zafron, Health Sciences Library, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, N.Y.
Additional information about the grant and application process for is on the MLA website: http://mlanet.org/awards/grants.
About MLA
Founded in 1898, the Medical Library Association (MLA) is a nonprofit, educational organization of more than 1,100 institutions and 3,600 individual members in the health sciences information field. MLA is committed to educating health information professionals, supporting health information research, promoting access to the world’s health sciences information, and working to ensure that the best health information is available to all.About EBSCO
Established in 1944, EBSCO is the world’s leading information intermediary, providing consultative services and cutting-edge technology for managing and accessing high-quality content, including print and e-journals, e-packages, research databases, e-books, and more. Now more than ever, libraries and research organizations are looking for new ways to manage their collections more efficiently. EBSCO has developed the most comprehensive “e” discovery and management solutions, offering unparalleled integration to help librarians save time and money while empowering their users.EBSCO serves clients in more than 200 countries through our 30 offices worldwide and has more than 140 librarians on staff. To learn more about EBSCO’s products and services, visit www.ebsco.com.
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Rossi Morris | Media Relations Coordinator | EBSCO
P: 205-980-3885 -