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    January 14th, 2010LISWire aggregatorLISWire

    13 January 2010

    Media Contact: Terri Maguire Mertz, Amigos Library Services

    Amigos Library Services Offers Online CONTENTdm Conference

    DALLAS, TX, January 13 – Amigos Library Services will present “CONTENTdm: an Amigos Online Conference” on February 19. The one day conference will include sessions focused on the practical side of CONTENTdm, as well as how to increase use of CONTENTdm collections.

    “Amigos has provided highly successful live online training for eight years and in the past year, moved to hosting online conferences,” stated Christine Peterson, CONTENTdm trainer at Amigos. “This conference will be a great opportunity for CONTENTdm users in the Southwest to efficiently share information, while also encouraging those outside our region to join us.”

    Keynote speaker, Phyllis Kaiden, Product Manager in OCLC’s Digital Collection Services, will kick off the conference with her talk concerning the future for the CONTENTdm software. After this, attendees will have the option of choosing from two sessions each hour. Topics range from working with tab-delimited text files to implementing Dublin Core to using Google Analytics.

    For more information and to sign up, visit or contact us at Early bird registration runs through February 5.

    About Amigos Library Services - A not-for-profit membership-based organization, Amigos Library Services ( is one of the largest library service networks in the nation, consisting of over 600 libraries and cultural institutions located primarily in the southwestern United States. Amigos members utilize a comprehensive array of services including electronic information resources, preservation and digital imaging, consulting, training, and cataloging and resource sharing.