October 21st, 2008LISWire
Norcross, Ga. – The Integrated Technology Group (ITG), a division of Vernon Library Supplies, Inc., is now offering Automated Library Patron Services (ALPS) to help libraries regulate public access computing and print cost management. ALPS provides a centralized solution that facilitates workstation time control, desktop security, automated computer reservations and print control.
Patrons wishing to reserve one of the library’s public computers can go online or sign up at the library. PCs can be reserved on a first-come-first-served basis or by assigned times, based on the library’s preference. Back-end management of the public access PCs is also included.
ALPS automates print charges and payments to simplify the management of pay-for-print environments. Charges for computer printing can be processed on a network or standalone computer. Libraries have the option of controlling printing costs by creating an administrator release station where library staff members release print jobs or by establishing self-service release stations for patrons. And patrons can also print from home, using a web-based interface and retrieving their print jobs later at the library.
“ALPS is the most powerful, seamless, all-in-one integrated solution available today,” said Amy Thropp, vice president of marketing for ITG. “The software comes with everything libraries need to easily and efficiently manage all aspects of public access computing. And it’s up and running in only 30 minutes.”
ALPS is sold as an annual subscription and requires no software purchase for the library. Libraries simply subscribe, download the application and self-install it. Users receive web-based training and there is no need for onsite installation or extensive configuration.
ALPS provides seamless real-time patron authentication through existing Integrated Library System (ILS) databases, including SirsiDynix, Innovative, Polaris, TLC and others. ALPS does not require a third party server.
About Integrated Technology Group
Integrated Technology Group (www.integratedtek.com) develops, markets, and supports library automation technologies that empower librarians to make operations more efficient and better serve their patrons. ITG’s products include patron self-checkout, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Automated Materials Handling (AMH) systems, Public Access Computer (PAC) Reservations and print cost recovery. With over 30 years experience in the library industry, ITG combines smart technology and progressive design to create standard solutions that can be easily customized to meet site-specific requirements. ITG, a division of Vernon Library Supplies, Inc., is headquartered in Norcross, Georgia.